
It’s not an option that I’ve seen. Just straight save points and the occasional auto-save

What was the bug and why did they need your system?

Taking a GREAT game and turning into one third of a GOOD game is kind of a risky move.

I dont think the poster is taking issue with the fact that SquareEnix said it, but rather with the fact that it’s being reported like it means something. You could change the company and game name to literally anything being developed and it would be a true statement.

You really have to try some of the newer 2D ones. Mario will always be the king of course, but try some Celeste or newer Rayman.

Came here to say almost exactly this. I clicked on this hoping to read about some platformers I never tried, so that I could rush out and buy them immediately as they are my favorite genre. Uncharted as a platformer? No Rayman? Celeste missing until the comments? To me the definition of a platformers is where the

The “actual” distribution of wealth in that graph came from the US Census. As for the survey parts, they actually asked slightly more Republican voters than Democrats, from 47 different states.

Give me an example where someone in Dave’s Ramsey’s intended audience is better off, in a strictly financial sense, buying a new car rather than a used car? I will define his audience as someone with little to no savings, living paycheck to paycheck, with a maxed out credit card and credit rating in the toilet. If

I agree. I just don’t see the advice he gave as “car buying advice”, because we’ve all agreed its not good advice if your sole goal is to buy a car. But he IS an expert on not going broke, and to that end his advice was helpful if maybe incomplete. As a metaphor it is sort of like getting mad at an elementary math

What kind of thrift stores are you going to that sell used underwear?

As someone who reads this site it should be very obvious to you that you can get very nice, dependable cars, that are USED and come with warranties while saving a considerable amount of money over a new car. Buying a new car almost never makes financial sense, which is why he advises against it. Is it ALSO an expense

You first paragraph is sort of true, for English, but not the hundreds of other languages in the world that are genderless or gender-neutral, so certainly not 99.9% But also, you can’t determine someone’s sex just by looking at them, so you are in fact addressing them by their gender and always have been. Beyond

It would be helpful if you used correct terms when attempting to convince someone of your knowledge on a subject and persuade them to accept your point of view. Pronouns are a social construct that have nothing to do with biology,and are particularly limiting in the English language which lacks proper gender neutral

Uh, yes, I’m aware he read it. Which is why I said as much. And that wouldn’t be an example of irony.

Racism is an opinion, are you saying racism doesn’t cause any problems in society? Racism hasn’t caused the deaths of minorities? Transphobia is not some harmless opinion. At best its just misguided and ignorant, but at worst it is hate, the same as racism.

Suicide IS in fact dying. Although they are also being murdered by the dozens every year. Trans people are also the most likely segment of society to be sexually assaulted, and they experience homelessness, violence, and addiction at higher rates than almost any other group. So surely you can see how transphobia and

Maybe no one will “engage” you because you, and your invalid criticisms, do not matter. A better use of your time than trying to preemptively win imaginary arguments would be to go “engage” with some trans people and LISTEN TO THEM about why J.K. Rowling’s criticisms are problematic for THEM.

Can we get an article from Kotaku on how you managed to force this man-child to not only read content he doesn’t like, instead of scrolling past it, but also how you forced him to comment on it? It’s obviously your fault Kotaku, so a little self-exposé here is demanded.

So your Gamecube library consisted of what? This and Bad Boys - Miami Takedown?

There have been a few southern rappers, and Kanye, that have tried this. Best I can tell, it has backfired since wypipo love to post the picture of Ludacris wearing his ridiculous Confederate flag outfit on stage and saying “See! It can’t be racist because this one black guy embraced it