Reminds me of when I used to commute to my job in the West Village and half the office would disappear for close to two hours twice a week to babysit their cars and work off their Blackberrys while waiting for the sweeper.
Reminds me of when I used to commute to my job in the West Village and half the office would disappear for close to two hours twice a week to babysit their cars and work off their Blackberrys while waiting for the sweeper.
77% nuclear as of 2015, followed by hydroelectric at 10.5%, 5.6 fossil (coal + nat gas), 5.2% solar + wind, 1.2% biofuels.
I hear ya. Our main line of business is classics and Lotus owners easily fall on the “keep it affordable” side as opposed to “let it appreciate” when it comes to market values. Entry level-priced new models will do wonders to the business.
Would like to see the base Elise start at 37-38 with things like the Evora starting at 60ish.
Eh, VAG doesn’t want every other joker pulling the same trick down the line. He’ll get his money after they go through the motions enough to discourage everyone else from trying this as well.
Reminds me of a Prius I see regularly with a “LOL OIL” vanity plate. It isn’t running on unicorn tears and angel’s farts, lady...
For years I’ve wanted to install heavy duty brush guards and an PA system to deal with the idiot drivers around me. That or develop a magnetic superpower a la Magneto so I can simply crush offending drivers into a cube using sheer force of will.
All the more true since the genre started out as convertibles. I’ve always wanted a LR Defender (one day I’ll have the money) until then I’ll angle for a Wrangler as the second/weekend car with the wife once we’re ready to add to the stable.
Came here simply for the headline.
My early experiences with Mini’s service department were fairly similar. I was point blank told that the loaners and rentals were for the Bimmer customers only - cool, I’m a second class citizen, thanks.
In all fairness I think lots of people are pretty ignorant about the extent of online harassment. I too usually walk away with an “I learned something today” moment when watching his show but this is one where plenty of people will pick up something new and even if not, it needed to be said.
I can still hear the dings for the starting lights clear as a bell.
Summer break in junior year of college futurewife comes to visit me for the weekend and we head out to dinner. We hadn’t seen each other in a little while and with the relationship being relatively new we had a hard time keeping off of each other so we rushed through our meal and hopped in my manual ‘89 Saab 900 for…
In all fairness he’s probably not invested in R&D having expected a merger to come along quickly and negate the need for it.
Sergio, get it together and realize that asking your neighbor to borrow his power tools to build a shed is going to be a lot more effective than asking them to co-sign your mortgage so you can both write off the shed you’re never going to build anyway.
And it’ll always tee you up for a “These go to 11.”
I skimmed the title quickly and thought this would be about a bizzare Top Gear / Lost crossover episode
I remember one time my dad got pulled over for driving on the shoulder. Cop berated him for a minute or two then rather than giving him a ticket he instead made my dad sit in timeout on the shoulder for 15 minutes. That was fun, sitting there in silence while my dad fumed over being treated like a child.