
No, it’s not. We offer the best policies for blue collar workers, across the board. The ones that vote against that just to register how much they hate foreigners are not the ones we need to be trying to retain. We need to appeal to independents, and try to turn out the vote among younger voters, instead of


The president elect says there was voter fraud. Better do a nationwide recount.

Don’t you mean, Thanks Obama!

I mean, he’s definitely gonna get impeached, right? I give it 18 months.

On Friday, Tequila tweeted photos of herself at a private, alt-right D.C. dinner

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

Remember, Hillary wasn’t liberal enough. Either we want the perfect candidate or just blow it all to hell, apparently.


“In addition to reports of “knife fight”-like internal discord...”

Trump will be revealing all on Sunday night on Bravo after Real Houswives of the Duck Dynasty. Stay tuned!

You fucking people can’t see the forest for the trees. The problem is NOT trump it’s the assholes who voted for him, THAT is what should scare you. This country has a huge problem and it’s a poorly educated and frighteningly ignorant population.

My original theory was that he would get impeached 6 months in (give or take 3 months). My new theory is that he will quit before the inauguration.

“ Trump’s team had (as of Wednesday) literally no pages”

People voted in the primaries you giant fucking moron, and she EARNED MORE VOTES THAN BERNIE. She wasn’t gifted with shit.

Fucking SERIOUSLY. She isn’t “secretly” on your side. She’s a conservative white woman with money. AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN AND SHE HAS NEVER EVER SHOWN HERSELF TO BE OTHERWISE.

It’s shown me that Americans are even dumber than I initially suspected.

Man, you really have to dig to find this a problem. There’s almost nothing going on in this, at all. It’s incredibly banal. It’s like a celebrity selfie.

Living for eight years literally physically ages you.

Not hard at all. Amy Schumer’s whatever-it-was is lame and stupid. Never said it wasn’t. The worship and deification of Beyoncé on this website is sometimes almost frightening.