
Couldn't agree more - and notice, the R33 has aged the most gracefully of all 3 variants. And by that, even in this day and age, what I mean is, you can pull up to a nice hotel or restaurant in one in style, and people don't think you are a boy racer seeking attention. And yet a properly tuned and maintained one can

If I could get my hands on one, I would. Without hesitation.

My favorite also. Although I prefer the 400R variant.

Nice. It's funny how much more "Japanese" those old beauties looked, compared to the current one. The new car (to me) only looks nice from the rear. The rest of it looks like a badly modded 300ZX...

Same for me. Always found that the R33 had the perfect balance in style. R32 was too flat and the R34 was too tall.

Same, R33 is still my favourite, especially in purple

(Full Disclosure: Nissan wanted me to drive the 2014 GT-R so bad that they dropped it off for a weekend of Godzilla time. I only did launch control, whether trying to win off the line or backing out of a driveway.)

Mistake #3: Inserting a frozen pizza into the oven without removing the plastic or the cardboard...

Mistake number one; Playing Dota 2 and expecting to be fun rather than a soul-sucking exercise in repetition and frustration.

The God of Tits and Wii

Peter Dinklage was later crushed by the Wii U tablet controller. RIP.

As a guy who was shit on by most girls at my schools during my teenage years for liking video games, there is a legitimate dose of truth in that image.

There is a joke about going for gaps in there.

Welcome to 2013 where we have Firefox 22.0 and Chrome for your browsing pleasure. Leave the IE for your grandparents.

Counter-rant: For every girl that is into cars because of cars, there are 3 that are into the attention that accompanies being into (insert male dominated hobby here). That shit isn't cute. You'll see them on forums with handles like "IRaceInHeels" or "SheDevil". You'll see them at car shows with a crowd of male

Taking notes.

I.... I can light up the FRONT tires of my Camry.

[reads article]