And I'd make Ferdinand Piëch watch. And I'd drink his tears.
And I'd make Ferdinand Piëch watch. And I'd drink his tears.
Waitaminute, are carmakers finally starting to realize that humans other than boomers exist?
and the guy who designed the car this is based off of intended to pay homage to the japan style.
Yup, there is a 1971 Celica GT parked outside my building right now that has them. Looks awesome and I have been thinking about leaving a note on his windshield asking if he is interested in selling the car.
And I agree on those two points! People need to get their head out of the sand and open up to new styles, or in this case old styles that never really made big in the first place. The fact that people still doesn't like the 2nd gen Camaro amazes me! I mean name one new car that has such amazingly pronounced body…
I suddenly thought of this car when I saw the above pic. This is Chris Banning's SCCA Mulholland Camaro from 1977. Chris Banning is also the man behind the Mulholland "King of the Hill" RSR that dominated Mulholland Drive street racing in the late 70's and early 80's. More info here:…
I disagree on two points. I like the flares AND 2nd gens.
I don't know what to say....except that a crack pipe as big as 55 gallon drum ain't big enough for the crackness I'm seeing here.
*cue internet rage by Bertel Schmitt*
If that happens when Vettel gets warm, what happens if he gets hot?
Holy shit you're smart! I remember middle school. Ahh good days. Calling people pointless names was fun and refusing to believe you were making an argument with no point (or choosing to simply bitch because this is MERICA and you can if you feel like it) was fun.
That's a good point. We need to use examples he can understand.
Wow, you definitely got him with that one. Way to go man, I'm now thoroughly convinced that you're an outstanding human being with absolutely no personality disorders. None at all. You've officially won the debate.
Visual representation of Automatch's debating prowess demonstrated in this thread:
Debate? It seemed more like JohnnyCab brought a dirty diaper to a brain fight but that's just semantics, I suppose.
Wow dude. It's ok, you don't have to like diesels. When I said, "this is why we can't have nice things I did not say fast things." This is Jalopnik, many of us like wagons, diesels, and BMWs. The M550d is all three, it is a nice thing. For some of us 0-60 times are not the end-all, be-all that determines a car's worth…