
I’ve clarified in other replies in this thread. I get it.

This was about God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch, not the National Anthem. The post specifically states the Yankees started this “tradition” after 9/11 and never stopped until now.

Your edit speaks to my point. I only meant that 9/11 was a uniquely shocking event because 1) it happened in the US, 2) It was basically broadcast live to the world, and 3) Thousands of people died.

I get that shitty stuff happens in countries ALL the time, and a lot of it is because of the US and our government’s

The 9/11 comment was meant to convey the uniquely public and shocking nature of the specific event itself. OBVIOUSLY, there is pain and human suffering on a scale far surpassing that experienced in the US in many countries, largely caused by the US and it’s imperialist endeavors. We just have a thinner skin that

No other country ever had a 9/11, either. But yeah, for real, it’s time to move past this jingoistic, bumper sticker patriotism”. It started the day after and then never really went away. We can honor and remember the victims without injecting this kind of shit into every bit of American culture.

“The Yankees take social, racial and cultural insensitivities very seriously.”

And then voters answer that question by continuing to elect members of the GOP to public office, even after they do the things that voters asked them not to do, because they support guns or hate abortion or whatever.

It’s insane and I don’t know how it ever gets fixed.

Wait, why am I in the greys?

To me, WandaVision sounds like something out of 1950s, Americana sales pitch. “You haven’t seen television until you’ve seen WANDAVISION!” This kind of take would also perfectly coincide with a take on Tom King’s recent suburbia/horror Vision series from the comics (which, admittedly, didn’t really include Wanda but

I’ll agree with any ranking that lists Hardhome at #1 because it’s the only right answer. It’s The Empire Strikes Back of episodes.

Same for me. It’s the in the top-half of my own MCU ranking, and it’s easily my favorite Iron Man solo film. I thought the Mandarin twist was brilliant and hilarious, and I love the Shane Black-ness of it all (the RDJ voiceover, aforementioned Lethal Weapon vibe, funny dialogue, and Christmastime setting).

I think their mainstream news programs (Morning Edition and All Things Considered) are mostly trash, but the syndicated programs they put out do a better job of capturing reality with a lot of their panel discussions.

I’m sure they could adapt a similar story without the low points you mentioned. It’s not like they remake the comic line for line, panel by panel.

Not only is Kate Bishop the only Young Avengers character I’ve ever cared about, she’s one of my favorite Marvel characters, period. This is incredibly exciting!!

They do this every time they have a set visit for a major release. Each question they get to ask the creative team gets its own post. Such is the nature of online revenue generation.

We still have Trumbo?

Never Forget

Yeah, I remember watching (noted scumbag) Delmon Young give the O’s the lead with that monster double in Game 2 against the Tigers. Easily the most excited I’ve been as an Oriole fan in...basically my entire adult life.

As a fan, I can assure you, winning the opening series of the year in the Bronx and being 3-1 today is exciting, given the current state of the organization as outlined in the post.

161-1 here we come!