Oh go fuck yourself. For every criticism I have for feminism and feminists, it goes quadruple for MRA. MRA are the worst kind of scum on the planet, so don't for a second think that I am on your side.
Oh go fuck yourself. For every criticism I have for feminism and feminists, it goes quadruple for MRA. MRA are the worst kind of scum on the planet, so don't for a second think that I am on your side.
It's an uncomfortable truth, but truth none the less. I remember last week a comment I made in an article resulted in a similar shit storm. So last night's comments didn't surprise me. What did surprise me was the fact that this site chose to move the thread to the grays. But I guess in hindsight, that doesn't…
Just a quick heads-up, I think Jezebel moved this thread into the grey. This website continues to show its true colors.
Yes because this is totally about white women. Kindly fuck off. Who gives a fuck that a black kid was murdered, and the society he lives in decreed that his murderer was within his rights to do so. It's about white women and their feelings. Once again. Kindly fuck off.
I don't want you to feel guilty. You personally didn't just send me over the edge with anger, but what you just said in this comment was so fucking true. I am so fucking livid. I was planning on going out tonight, but you know what? Fuck it. I'm going to bed.
Seriously? People like you literally disgust me.
You know what fuck it
Manslaughter or 2nd degree. Anything. Just as long as he isn't allowed to be a free man after gunning down a damn kid.
Yes but what's the most effective way to unlock characters on that game. So far I've only been able to unlock Brian Fury and that idiotic robot girl. I want Hworang Damnit. Is he even in the game?
They recently posted an article with Zimmerman's smiling face. I actually have a headache right now after reading the comments.
Oh don't you worry. The racist trolls will find their way here eventually. They're like bloodhounds sniffing out opportunities to spread their racist bile.
If that thing is acquitted, it will only affirm that justice in this country is a farce. The Casey Anthony trial already proved that, but this would affirm it.
Also. I find this article very interesting considering Jezebel's relationship with a certain pseudo-feminist who once tried to murder his significant other. His name rhymes with Bruno Kaiser.
DAMN IT. I need a pipe so bad right now. They're just so classy. I can just imagine Sunday afternoon on my deck, smoking a pipe while reading Chang Rae Lee (The Surrendered). Serious pipe envy right now.
Tell me about it. I almost died from cringing after watching the Game of Thrones season finale.
The responses to your comment prove your point by the way.
But seriously, yes and no. It's not just African Americans. Feminism has a history of antipathy for all people of color. The most recent example could be that german feminist group calling muslim women savages to "shock" them into action. Even on this website, which is usually great, there is a troublesome pattern of…