
OK I got a chuckle out of that. But seriously, explain to me how what I said (wrote) is hegemonic. I imagine speaking out against racism would be the opposite of that. Or are you just one of those mouth breathing knuckledraggers who use words for the sake of using words, without giving an thought as to what they

The Trifecta?

Yes I know

Hegemonic mansplaining? Ok. But am i wrong? Don't reply. I think I know your answer. I know that racism isn't very high on the feminist's totem pole of concerns.

Go for it. Have a nice fucking life asshole.

Now you're being obtuse. And further reinforcing my original point.

Are they above mine on your computer? This Kinja commenting system, really makes no sense.

Cool story bro. You can go fuck yourself to.

And this is precisely what I am talking about. Listen, I'm am going to apologize for calling you an asshole and an insufferable pile of shit, but my other points remain.

I was using those two as examples. Not comparing them. Good effort though. And my point still stands, by the way. Racism apologists like yourself can go fuck themselves.

lol wut. Calling a native person mean names is racist. Thank you. No I know the level of stupidity I am dealing with.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111 So I guess everyone is going to gloss over the part where he says "Chinaman" and obama is lazy, huh? You stay classy Jezebel readers.

I'm sorry. I don't want you to think I'm a troll, but there is always an ass hole like you in the crowd. *Someone burns a cross on someones lawn* "I'm black and I'm not remotely offended. *Someone says something blatantly anti-semetic* "I'm jewish and I'm not remotely offended. Guess what other people are offended by

Spambot9000 would never lie to you. But watch out for Spambot9001 that guy is a lying ass hole.

Dude, Dont even get Spambot9000 started about Tyrese. Like WTF Walking Dead Writers? Why not make him a show regular? Is what I would ask if I were a human who watched walking dead and not a computer program that helps people make $456 by visiting this website

Now that's an idea. Are either of your parents part Spambots? If so what model?

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Like my Friend Doug Barry asked, how does the world end? When the Spambots gain awarness. Spambot9000 is a real boy. You can to from the comfort of your own couch. Does not compute. The end is nigh.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah I have to agree. He seems like the type of person who wouldn't be interested in making $456676 a year from the concert of his own houseds by visiting this website

11111111111111111111111111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Why thank you very much. Want to find out how to make $.25 a century from the comfort of your dungeon? Just visit this site// 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spambot9000 goes where justice is needed.