But imagine how high the quality of the finished product will be! It’s being made by senior staff, so it must be better, right?
But imagine how high the quality of the finished product will be! It’s being made by senior staff, so it must be better, right?
I know why it’s delayed — it’s still rendering!
The public should not have to be guinea pigs for this Level 2 driver assist pile of turd vaporware. NHTSA please do your job and recall AP/FSD now. It is literally killing people. There is a reason why Tesla cannot market AP/FSD in Germany, because it is downright false marketing. These beta testers are cultist stock…
If you’re old enough/judged responsible enough to drive a vehicle on public roads, you’re old enough/responsible enough to face adult charges for vehicular crimes.
The way I see it, Tesla shouldn’t be allowed to release their FSD/Autopilot software to the general public in its beta form. If they want to test and gather data, they need to do it how the other companies like Waymo do it. Controlled situations, specified routes, with trained engineers/operators ready to intervene.…
“I’m sorry, are you claiming he invested in a space startup and got lucky?“
It's almost as if there's a lot about Tesla and Musk that is worth hating
“Side note, you cant be seriously saying that the co-founder of PayPal, SpaceX, and Tesla has no real skills, right? Not to mention his degrees in physics and economics.”
I am 100% convinced that Elon only made this announcement because he saw the Boston Dynamics Atlas video and he got really butthurt and jealous that he didn’t buy BD when he had the chance.
Its because its way easier and gets more clicks when you play along with the bullshit rather than invoke the wrath of the cult by criticizing their leader and his bullshit vaporware.
They will make more model S/x or model 3/y or a new model 2, the cheap car that Tesla has been promising for like 8 years.
What I find fascinating is that some people actually believe this will be made. It really is a full on cult at this point. How does anyone find this even remotely feasible? How does he go on stage and talk about it with a straight face?
TBF the Cybertruck probably will/would have a shit ton of issues with regulations.
Why invest in basic things like improved QC or finishing development of the truck, roadster, semi, and probably something else I’m forgetting, when they can invest in ~*rObOtS*~ ?!
Can the auto journalist world agreed to call this “Alleged Full Self-Driving,” “Full [sic] Self-Driving,” ““Full Self-Driving Vaporware” or something to indicate that it’s not really what it’s being sold as?
Look, give them a break, they’ve tried nothing and are all out of ideas!
If you want to get around the Big Island and see more than a resort, a rental car is the only reasonable way to do it. I would be infuriated if I was a resident, but it’s hard to blame tourists for choosing a legal and economical option.
If only there was a publicly funded way of transporting large groups of people all over the island without needing to have everyone drive their own car.
So they canceled the only good thing that matters (500+ mile range option), and basically made this a very expensive performance pack with a stupid steering wheel design.