But EVs were also less than 5% of cars sold in the U.S. They can lose marketshare and still grow the business quite a bit.
But EVs were also less than 5% of cars sold in the U.S. They can lose marketshare and still grow the business quite a bit.
Did it take the fire department four hours to put out the fire from that crash? Was there nobody in the driver’s seat? Can you see how the two are different?
Missing the CCTV footage of a Sherrif throwing his hat on the ground
If he had worn a high viz and a hard hat no one would have given him a 2nd look.
That commentary was fantastic, BOOM!
should we be letting companies beta test self-driving car software in public with no oversight?
Tesla owner here. FSD is a scam and a sham. Autopilot is barely good enough where I’m okay using it on roads, if and only if I don't mind it randomly flipping shit and giving passengers heart attacks because a road dips before a bridge...
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I think you may have given this more thought than Rowling.
Not detained in the dealership, but detained in finance at the dealership. After a several hour negotiation, I go to finance to start that tilt. The guy starts his song and dance about extended warranties, credit protection and the like. And my 9 month old absolutely destroyed a diaper. As in, I’m surprised it didn’t…
There are other reason to not buy a Tesla over the price. For example, I need service I just bring it...ooohh right.
Probably should point a finger at the Northerners who think they are better drivers in winter conditions, then come down South and make the same mistakes or worse. And this is coming from someone who was born and raised in Jamaica, lives in the South, and has never had an issue driving in winter conditions.
I have three degrees in Civil Engineering, including a Masters in Geotechnical Engineering. I seriously doubt that The Boring Company has done the subsurface sampling, geology, and engineering work required to build a safe tunnel.
Yes, the stock that is at a price that the company would take centuries to back up.
Tesla still making that cybertruck and roadster by 2019?
They on Mars?
Musk save those kids with his submarine?
Model 3 under $35k yet?
$85 million is roughly double what a bus rapid transit line with electric buses costs, including stops.
I have a super crazy idea. What if we took multiple of those Model 3s and trams and hooked them together into a chain, but removed the steering wheels and whatnot? They could be some sort of new, disruptive SUBterranean WAY of shuttling people around.
The RFQ was issued in Sep 2020, and The Boring Company replied in November. I seriously doubt they have done any serious engineering studies.
That’s been one of the biggest issues with cryptocurrencies in general. Nobody wants to use a currency that fluctuates in value so rapidly. Every week Bitcoin is moving all over the place. It rocketed to $40K, then dropped down to $28K, hovered at around $34K and now it’s up to $44K today. How the hell do you buy a…