to quote Jordie Jordan “NEVER PUT THE PUSSY ON A PEDESTAL”
to quote Jordie Jordan “NEVER PUT THE PUSSY ON A PEDESTAL”
anyone dumb enough to still be playing this abortion deserves to get hosed
what a bitch ass
this. they shouldn’t be derpaderp fucking cunts drooling over their phones while in a moving motor vehicle. if they’re ignorant and lazy enough to do shit like ignore numerous warnings and continue to check their fucking douchebag facebook feed, then they deserve whatever shit the world slings their way
ironically enough she’ll be getting a head jammed in her pipe instead of the other way round
damn she’s cute
Mr.Murphy? my old shop teacher?
asked the lady about these. said if i got one she could look at the stars during some loving without getting grass stuck on her butt cheeks. she approved
fuck off, you fucking sjw losers
five g’s for a car that looks like a watermelon jelly belly with wheels?
crickity craaa—————ck piiiipe, morty
ep3 has more hp than the 95 gsr :)
you sound like a puling child, whining they got super mario 2 instead of 3 for their birthday. you’re the wet fart, you fuckin little bitch ass
where is the effing bioshock love?????
ford motherfuckin pinto. that car is the sheez
yes, because she totally wrote the article about you, and only you
oh my god, after googling i found this to be the case, and it makes me sad. my 06 mazda 3 gt had a sunroof and i just assumed the mazdaspeeds did too haha
oh for christ’s sake. this culture of “WAH I DONT LIKE WHAT THEY SAID SO THEY SHOULD BE FIRED/SHUT DOWN/RIDICULED/DEAD” is fucking ridiculous. if you don’t like something, fine. move the fuck on with your day like a grown up and forget about it, being offended is just a fancy way of saying “i’m a bitch who has to…