well said! not only does he rock douchey junior high chick shoes, he has them embroidered with his name. “plein”. the last name equivalent of “keith”
well said! not only does he rock douchey junior high chick shoes, he has them embroidered with his name. “plein”. the last name equivalent of “keith”
that looks like old and yellowed 90’s dollar store ska tape and belongs on a dodge omni
yet your username is kbabz.....
even worse is the concepts that never go into production. i’ve been hoping for the honda gear concept to go into production for years, but instead we get crap like the civic refresh
i take offense to the 2002-2004 SiR hatch was not included in your list!
I once saw a native hooker drop pants on the side of a major arterial road in downtown Edmonton and proceed to take a very liquidy dump on the side of the road.
someone needs to photoshop darkwing duck into those pictures
what a fuckin douchebag, that is all
this is a poo poo list. if this is the music young uns are listening to these days, i can understand the whiny sjw loser crowd.
it is beyond delicious to see the tables turned for once - and the puling from all as a result. everybody wanted to see people they don’t agree with deplatformed, censored or outright banned, and now the monster created is turning it’s ugly maw on to you. you reap what you sow, cowards
said nobody, ever hahahaha
a) awh pootie don’t be mad
laughable reply, keep dancing
oh, so he paid himself then
so did shaun king give the cops who caught the prick the 35 grand?
fun fact: mushrooms and every tool video go together like pb and jam
fuck shaun king. he didn’t do that because he cares, he did it for attention. guaranteed he doesn’t pay out to the person who id’s this truck