what about donkey kong 94, or mario v donkey kong?
what about donkey kong 94, or mario v donkey kong?
what about the other way around? i’ve had plenty of tinder/pof scenarios where after one date (sometimes not even before that first date) the girl thinks i’m her boyfriend, and continually texts/calls, tries to add me on facebook, etc etc. the last woman i met on pof was somebody who i saw 3 times in total, all very…
random words, period
nah you’re as jelly as jelly can be. get over it shitstain
why is it everytime i see an email ending with “Regards,” it just seems like a pussified way of saying “Fuck You”??
ez flash is ass, everdrive is where it’s at
exactly. i got a gba sp a few weeks back, and when i got it home and charged up, this was what i saw:
you’re right, they’re better looking than these. that tube light is ugly as hell
quirky but kick ass counter point:
perfect strangers/family matters. best of the best
resurrection isn’t that bad either? put down the glue
ahhh i love the internets
fuck that dude, and his fuckwad goatee
plebes..my handheld is a gba sp
it’s like watching a drunken ventriloquist, and i love it
is that a fishing rod?
no, no they don’t.
don’t forget the home depot door jamb with a ferrari sticker on it :)