
you never heard of nambla? that is a group of sick twisted fucks

i wish i could bang the shit out of jennifer connelly. is it bad for me to say that because i know i’ll never meet her? fuck off, people are allowed to have their own thoughts and opinions.

holy fuck. he said he wanted to jerk off on her leg. that isn’t harrassment, he never did anything to her at all, and apologized for saying it. you sjw cunts just never give up, do you? “waaaah somebody said/thinks/did something i don’t like waaaaaaah bring in the thought police”

that is fucking hideous, and also, saskatoon.

this is old news and was already shown in the documentary icarus

- first example is about robert pickton, who killed female prostitutes, not gay or trans destitutes. does not apply.

there are photos of him with a naked 13 year old on his lap, so you be the judge :/

i was hoping some butt cheek, or even a boob might pop out there. damn youse, double sided tape, damn youse to hyeeeeeeeelllllll

as a previous owner of a ranger stepside, don’t ever buy a stepside. they are bullshit tiny and can’t fit shit


bruce jenner is a sick fuck, the kardashians are sick fucks, and i wish that whole family was dead.

you’re all annoying little pissant pussies, waaaah somebody said something i don’t like, fire them waaaaaaaah

this video is satan. i haaaaate it. also, tingalayo lol

get a set of spokes and drop it a bit, and these cars look pretty decent. would be good for a gearhead with kids

lesbians can’t make babies. neither can gay men. he isn’t wrong, and you picked a stupid hill to die on.

stipe don’t fuck around, and same with dc, this is gonna be a fucking crazy fight

peace and butt grease

fuck raffi. fuck his bononos. fuck baby beluga, fuck that stupid ass concert video both my sisters watched over and over when they were kids. i wish i could smash that stupid fucking acoustic guitar right into his stupid fucking beard. i like to hate, hate, hate, hate on fucking raffi

hells yeah then, i’d say go for it! also nice to see a fellow albertan on jalop :)

it’s from calgary. stay away, the road salt and hick is buried deep in this thing