
1988 dodge omni glh

don’t stick up for a douchebag. it makes you look stupid, and also a douchebag.

vapenation, faggots lol

way to belittle the guy who died just so you can be an internet hero and get your stars, penis

read his essay prachi. you are severely misinformed.

holy shit. hope those folks are doing okay

in her case, fuck that lady but don’t be a hero, and here is why: don’t shit where you eat. ie) not smart to walk off when you’re beside your car beaking someone off.

ep3 confirmed

to try and say that the root isn’t racist towards whites is a flat out lie.

the thought police led a young woman to commit suicide a few weeks ago, so don’t act like they aren’t a problem.

did you? then how the fuck would you know?

been done already:

“Do you ever look at the news and feel the urge to scream the F-word very loud?”

i imagine thornton is the usa and the other guy is afghanistan, and find this outcome appropriate. also, cheap ass loser pulls hair like a fucking girl

these look surprisingly good slammed

Now playing

also clear the snow and ice off the tops of your asswipe suv’s, please.

taydolf swiftler sucks ass

would kill to see this shit in a type r


welcome to adpocalypse 3.0