my sister brought me back peanut butter oreos from her trip to ireland, and they are the fucking shit
my sister brought me back peanut butter oreos from her trip to ireland, and they are the fucking shit
beta cucked
bungie had decided where to take the franchise though, then craptivision stepped in and began to crap all over it until we got a crap game filled with crap
my girl likes her cars, sucks to be you lol
must be nice to just make up a story with zero proof and have shit stick
kindness, empathy, respect....brooklynites crave not these things
same goes for religion. you don’t have a christian child, you have a child with christian parents
you just beta cucked yourself bud
fuck off, you fucking cuck
destiny 1 - didn’t deliver a fucking raid they said they would that we paid for, locked content behind paywalls, said locked content was just more bullshit farming, garbage menus, stupid wait times, bullshit payouts for engrams you fucking hoarded for houuuuuurs, bullet sponge “difficulty”, no meaningful storyline,…
wow, you’re a real piece of shit yesha. this is the second article of yours i’ve found where you spout racist garbage to try and belitte the situation you’re covering here.
we all know you’re going to kfc anyways, don’t lie.
if you make it past a single cars and coffee, you mean.
nah, i’m good thanks. even if i wanted to switch to android, reading all this made it crystal clear to me that it’s too much hassle to switch to an inferior os. sorry but android is crap
you’re a fuckin fool if you think fans don’t regularly shit talk athletes.
i heard cte made football players unruly, aggressive, combative, and crazy. this couldn’t possibly be the case here
the sad part about those mega man collections is they’ve split all the games up. the original mm collections on gamecube are complete and have all the same bonus material
what they didn’t tell you is you can only get hadokens out of loot boxes
coral makes it, because he is seen in jesus beard rick’s house with michonne and the baby. either that or they all died somewhere along the line and jesus beard rick’s timeline is heaven. coral’s bandage around his head has to stink like pee either way, and that fucking kid can not lead that show, ever. rest in peace,…
hey whitney? don’t be a bitch, she didn’t say anything homophobic. women in porn don’t sleep with men who have done gay porn because of safety issues. higher std rates, aids etc are why women in porn don’t sleep with gay men, that isn’t homophobic, that’s called “being smart”. fuck all of you with your bullshit…