

it’s not a joke, it’s the truth. would not fuck even if i was roofied.

of course she has no names to back up her bullshit story

we just pulled off their shoes and left them on the floor. good luck getting to the stage with people stepping all over your douchebag toes. also, fat people should not stage dive

wah he made a dyke joke. get the fuck over it

from limited googling, i learned bennett signed a 3 year, $21,000,000 contract in march of this year. he played in 7 games, most with garbage results and was already causing waves. is that worth $1,000,000 a game? i didn’t think so either

jealous. very jealous. badass setup handsome billy!!

no projects this winter so it’s gonna be a whole lot of getting stoned :)

well good for you. nobody cares, and nobody likes a weiner who pules to the skies “IIIII TOOOOOLLLLLD YOOOOOUUUU SOOOOOOOOO”

you seem to have an issue with black hair and lips, what is your ish, exactly?

well, bye

how i feel when i see these headlines

darwin’s law

damn, this is a sad day for rs owners. this is the nicest hatchback on the market these days, and for these issues to pop up so early really stinks, especially with the amount of money involved. hope this gets fixed quick, but until then, somebody buy an rs without an engine and drop in a new type r please!

depends. when sold my 90 integra rs a few years back it was over 600,000k. still pulled strong, had no issues.

fuck em. that’s what they get for years of lies and bullshit, and the coupe de grace of not only fucking over fans with crap dlc maps and remakes, but the additional “fuck you, give us your money” loot boxes. eat it, craptivision

swap out them seats with recaros, reupholster the back, fix the interior up, drop it, fix the rust, repaint it, get a new deck, speakers and bazooka tube, get some beepity bops here and there, then buy her some new shoes and she can look like this: