
It's sounds absurd, but conflict is a beautiful part of being human.

This reminds me that I need to finish this game...

Perhaps I'm looking too far into this but wouldn't the original people settling this village realize the first year they lived there that it's dark way too much? And then leave? Or was it so awesome the rest of the time they just stuck around?

Perhaps I'm confusing Mass Effect with another sci-fi series, but isn't Earth a dump in that univserse? I vaguely remember someone say it's not a nice place.

Also similar to Uncharted's stranded Nazi ship. While in a jungle and not a desert, the idea is similar.

"Points," rather?

This reminds me that I have yet to finish the campaign in the game.

As a officer-in-training, some of these shots inspired me. Others made me grateful I'm not going to be a cop in the Coruscant-like New York City. Although, the stairs sure would keep me in shape.

I'm hoping for something like The Road, only with a tad more resources available and more action.

I agree. As a man with a father and 2 grandfathers with alcoholism, the image that comes to mind is a sloppy, lazy, terrible male. It's strange to picture a high-functioning, working female. It's hard to find the words, but reading this was a tad refreshing.

Reminds me of this, which is framed in my bathroom.

As a 26 year old, I still have trouble with the idea of paying for my own clothes.

Awesome! I was visiting New York (from Philly) and I was waiting in line at a sandwich shop of some type. A British tourist asked "Are you in the queue?" She was adorable.

I plan on playing my PSP even more now. My wife bought me a PSP last Christmas with Little Big Planet included. I bought Peace Walker not long after that. I plan on buying a ton of games in that sweet-spot between games being popular and then "vintage." I'd like to complete all of the MGS games and some of the PSP

I've never played Sonic CD. This has convinced to grab it. Well done.

Absolutely horrifying.

Often (meaning, when I'm drinking) I hear/come across something relating to the distant past, I get this strange feeling. I don't have the vocabulary to describe it well enough. Perhaps it can't be explained. Awestruck would probably be the closest. To think that millions of years ago on Earth, there were creatures

The drive-away tanker is one of many reasons I wish I could find a good group of people to play in a squad with. I'm on PC, Origin name is Spaceb0y (I think) if you need a responsible teammate.

The drive-away tanker is one of many reasons I wish I could find a good group of people to play in a squad with. I'm on PC, Origin name is Spaceb0y (I think) if you need a responsible teammate.

Should I be embarrassed that I only recognized characters in 2 of those photos? :-(