
It's gotten better but I agree, it's lacking a lot. If Netflix can get current (day after live airing) episodes and keep them up for a week or so (like Comcast's On Demand), I might ditch my Torrenting altogether. And maybe the cable.

And then what were you like?

I bet kids pronouce Georgina in a hilarious fashion sometimes.

That makes me laugh, too. Putting the obvious on paperwork just seems so silly sometimes. As a social worker I do it all the time.

Maybe he's like the many annoying people that have a sports team's logo or something else as their photo.


I see what you did there.

Da fuck is this?

Do you think the type of people who would sent hate-filled comments on facebook would have the common sense to look at the gender listed on the page?

She literally fights fire with fire.

My first thoughts. And this girl kind sounded a bit... Northern?

Army had half-day.

Or countless, other board games that are merely expansions of the strategies in Chess?

Unless I want oppressively slow DSL, I have to subscribe to Comcast. :-\

I think I've had tears in my eyes every time I've seen this movie. It's brilliant.

I lasted 8:37. I started staring after 5 minutes. After 7, I kept looking to see how much time had passed. When 5 seconds started to feel like a minute, I decided to stop.

I lol'd hard.

This conversation gave me a great idea for a bar. I'd call it the Progress Bar. And there will be plaques and stuff on the wall documenting human progress of some sort, ah shit, never mind. That sounds awful.

Irish Twins!

Word. Levittown, PA was built mostly after World War 2 for returning GIs to build families. None of the streets are straight and it's absurdly easy to get lost in. The houses weren't exactly built to last and now, with restrictions on modifications lifted, the neighborhoods look all wacky. It looks like the photo