
I think it's a suggestion that it's led to a focus on casual PC gaming.

The moms are also playing Farmville. Don't forget.

Luckily, I should have free time in the fall. And more money. So I can enjoy most of these. Yay.

It's amazing how people think it's okay to leave their shit everywhere. There's a block near my old house that I called "Dog Shit Alley" because it wasn't in front of anyone's house. With no one to tell people to not let their dog shit there, no one picked anything up.

Dogs are absolutely hilariously helpless looking when they poop. The look on my husky's face when he's going #2 just screams "Please god, no one sneak up behind me while I'm doing this!"

Given how poorly the decsion to demolish it went, I'm guessing it was built incorrectly.

Also, this why there are "Caution: Contents Are Hot!" warnings on coffee cups. And "This is not a toy" warnings on bags.


Song is awesome to run too.

I'm sure The National are very happy with that decision. I hope they are, because it helps support the "games as art" thing.

I've mentioned before that I have some of the Portal and Portal 2 soundtrack on my running music playlist. This stuff is amazing.

Yep. Nick says "Tits!" as part of his "Argh!" sound clips. It's hilarious when you get him to say it at the right time. Coach says "Shit!" a ton, too. Sigh... parents.

I let my sister borrow my PS1 and games when she was living in her own apartment. She had a douchey boyfriend who took a bunch of stuff when they broke up. My PS1 and games (Including Metal Gear Solid without greatest hits packaging!) were what he claimed as his. Booo.

Metal Gear Solid kept this "O" to start business in the start menu and it was a pain to get used to.

Getting non-gamers or casual gamers who were very comfortable with the AB Nintendo controllers to understand Square, Triangle, Circle and X was a daunting task.

I believe Sony'll tell you that it was because they felt it wasn't needed or that it interfered with the motion control (which could obviously be overcome because they Wii remote already did both). I'm not sure if the copyright dispute is the true reason, but I think most would say it is.

That looks very familiar. Perhaps I saw it in a magazine, wayyyy back when? Regardless, it looks extremely uncomfortable.

Maybe then we would've got the "These pretzels are making me thirsty!" line pushed so heavily by YTMND users (which should've won, too).

This movie is like Roots because there's a black central character!

While I haven't watched the video (I'm at work) the comments have told me that both people are morons.