
That's probably what Hitler did, but his friends were too supportive. Because they were imaginary.

I'm joking. Obviously airlines are nothing like slave ships in that they both have space in mind with regards to the layout.

Much like the announcer, I'll quote many ignornant people that I've come across in my short 25 years: "They're better off now than they'd be in Africa! They shouldn't complain!"

One time, I was on a flight so long I got scurvy.

Religion eventually goes down to philosophers, which redirects to Philosophy. Hm.

So, there's a chance I'll be getting a new job in the coming months with a substantial pay increase. I'm living comfortably already, but now I'll be in fantastic shape and be able to save. The problem is, my house needs some work (mostly cosmetic) but there are several electronic devices I'd like replaced. My 46"

I'd love to replace the copy in comics for a living. That's hilairous.

It sounds like there are zombies outside. You have bigger concerns. Take only what you can carry and GET MOVING.

When he rolls, it kind of sounds like "Pickle!"

Power to you for pursuing your hobby despite your condition. Since video games are still relatively young, they haven't reached the point where providing options for the disabled are standard. Heck, they can't even include subtitles in every game and if they do, something is messed up! I don't get why games can't just

Without knowing much of the game, this sounds exactly how a real investigator might proceed with a case. Stating they're lying puts the ball in their court. Really, an investigator stating you're lying puts you in an awful spot. You either want to get them off your tail if you're the bad guy, so you'll lie more, thus

The white on this image matches perfectly!

Wow, that took me back to 2003.

Nice reference! Sorry, that's the biggest image I could find...

A balance of knowledge is important.

I commented about this above. It's a great method. Make the tests more about applying the knowledge than about memorizing facts and you weed our the cheaters/deadbeats.

I had an amazing World History and Social Science high school teacher who would allow us to use our notes and articles to take our tests (having only articles from news journals also meant no giant textbook to carry). The tests would consist of about 15 to 30 questions that were assigned points by difficulty. Often,

But you're still a douchebag even if no one calls you one.

No, cheating does hurt others. Cheaters caused people to have to keep their desks clear during tests and make sure others can't see over their shoulder. Cheaters relax while other, hard-working students study their asses off. Cheaters are the theives of opportunities. If a cheater takes an opportunity from me, it has