
Thanks for the advice. I only have to do one rep; down and then back up. At home I'm using a standard 1" bar, and I think thoseweigh a lot less than the Olympic size. I'm going to buy more weights today. If I can bench that then the worse case is I can lift over the requirement. That's very unlikely, though.

Thanks for the advice. According to Wii Fit's scale, the bar weighs only 11 to 13 pounds (I weighed it twice - once alone and once with me holding it as my "pet").

This is a local agency (Philadelphia, PA). Sadly, most agencies don't re-evaluate and that's why you see so many out-of-shape cops, some just a year or two after they graduated from the academy.

The first guy that spoke on the mic sounds exactly like me. It was a little strange.

I'm taking a Police Physical Fitness Test this weekend. I'm horrified. It's such a big opportunity and I'd hate to screw it up. I've been training for months and the biggest part I'm worried about is the bench press. I was 250 pounds back in February when I started training. Now I'm about 230. I have to bench 93% of

*pst!* Don't tell them... they might leave and come to other cities.

My mind is automatically dubbing his accent with his true(?) accent.

I want to play SimCopter now.

I've seen people do that too, didn't know it was just a rumor :-(

It made me laugh too, you. Tons of people are guilty of that.

My wife told me she was impressed by my behind-the-head playing. I wasn't even consciously doing it at the time. It does just feel right, like you said.

I'm a stickler for that, too. Even at parts I know I'll have no problem beating.

Those damn red guys could easily ruin a good run.

lol, that made me think of an new game. Imagine: XXX

They were just trying to make the end of the world seem closer in order to get laid.

It's always the last place you look.

I'm married, sorry.

This hurts my brain.

Yes. It's terrifying down there.

That's nuts. I want to show it to people as a joke but at the same time I don't want to let this madman get hits on his site.