
That show finished a season? Yikes.

Yoshi, obviously.

They sound absolutely insane.

You're on the internet. Logic doesn't exist here. We're on our own. :-(

Maybe I'm in a bad mood, but I feel it took me too long to find the date of the show. The link provided didn't have it. Even a few clicks in there didn't show me anything with a date. And this article didn't have it. I had to google E3 to find the date.

So, it'd be like PAX :-)


This map is a throw-back map to one in BF2. Don't think it'll fit into the story and will be MP only.

It'll probably be like BF2. One carrier off the coast and a defending force with an airfield on the island. The setting'll be whatever year the rest of the game is in. I imagine it'll be called something like "Wake Island 2014".

I jumped back into TF2 over the weekend. Are there any servers that don't have the hats and upgraded weapons? Is there any way to just play regular old TF2? It'd be like.... new-nostalgia.

A commentor on that article had an excellent point. Why didn't the author of that article ask for a comment from Joystiq? Instead of drawing conclusions from his gamerscore, he could've asked how long he played (even though in the Joystiq review he said he put in 12 hours).

On Saturday night, after several hours of drinking at a birthday party, my wife played Portal 2. After a half-hour on a later puzzle (minor spoiler: 3 turrets guarding a button behind glass), she cursed, put her head down in shame/anger and fell asleep on the desk. I usually keep my cool with games. I've never been

I enjoy the story. Sometime a linear, short, summer popcorn movie plot is okay in a videogame. That sounded like sarcasm, but really, I enjoyed it.

You're having a rough couple of weeks. :-(

The best garden is one you don't have to tend to.

Sony has some 'splaining to do.

Good night.


And her lines were full of.... holes.