
It depends on the car but a 2000 Civic Si would work just fine using this method. I see a few other comments stating the exact opposite of this, but I’ve been driving 90's Japanese 4-bangers for a decade and they are all capable of taking off from a standstill in this manner. I’ve taught plenty of people using this

I remember Ray making sure everyone understood that Tom’s ‘63 was definitely not a dart or a swinger.

the University of Alabama academic told Reuters”

Ugh, cancer has not made this guy a better person. However, I still cannot stop myself from having a trauma response hearing someone is in end stage. After watching my mom die from advanced cancer earlier this year and my bff about 10 years ago, it’s just so hard not let it get me in the feels.

Woohoo! Ours are from Bland Farms in Georgia. The name of the farm though...

Shows the dust too much. Tan khakis don’t show the dust you roll around in. To be honest, where I work now I could wear shorts and flip flops but the last place strictly forbid denim whether in jeans or in shirts for all office employees. That was a trucking company. 

If scarcity increases the value of these shirts, imagine what John Oliver’s shirt drawer is worth now.

I don’t have a problem with him call horseshit on an gun-lubed nutter but if that was his response verbatim then I do think we got 2 semi-demented white old men running for POTUS.  WTF Joe, can you speak English? 

What exactly has this got to do with the unions or unionisation or somehow a gotcha that Biden hates unions (a pro-Bernie routine I’ve seen a couple times in the last few days now)? Some dickhead decided to go full NRA and refreshingly (even if politically motivated) a politician actually told the bloody truth on the

1) Stop begging the question about racism-at-large or “does this problematic thing I enjoy make me problematic” because that ain’t what we’re talking about and you know it.

The United States leads the world in the reduction of carbon emissions.

If we are going to demand Elizabeth Warren address problematic surrogates then we sure as hell better deman Bernie address his own problematic history when it comes to race. 

It’s not “curious” that Warren won’t say middle class taxes will be raised, because middle class expenses will go down significantly (no out-of-pocket medical expenses). Yet the minute she says taxes will be raised, even within the context of the point, the GOP will pounce on the line and use it in every attack ad

For me Saabs were always cool because you could do this:

‘nuf said

It is a lifehack, he just worded it wrong and the below rejected title was a little too long. 

Ah, but recall, “That is not dead which can eternal fry.”

I think he prefers gaslight.

Because using an existing type 1 chassis eliminates the need to meet modern safety standards. This will probably be much, much lighter (and far more of a deathtrap) than a whole new car.