
Truly wonderful news. I can count on one hand the people for whom I wish death would swiftly take. The Koch brothers are/were two of those people. Ding dong, one of (imaginary) Satan’s devils gets a new steaming turd of a human soul to eternally sodomize in the (imaginary) fiery pit of hell.

Every once in a while just as I’m drifting off to sleep, I wonder quietly to myself what Saab is up to these days”

What will the rapist-in-chief’s administration do about these domestic terrorists? Likely nothing.

Several good reasons. Destiny 2 PVP is extremely unbalanced, it is run on old, creaky P2P netcode, and matchmaking is a joke. They intentionally match far weaker players against stronger players because (paraphrasing the devs) good players want to have fun and don’t want to have to always play sweaty matches. These

CDC: People are getting lung disease from vaping
Vapers: Yeah, but what specifically is causing it?
CDC: Dunno, lots of variables, vaping seems to be the common theme
Vapers: So should I get a new vaper or change my juice?
CDC: Um, maybe stop vaping?
Vapers: No, really, what can I vape/vape with?
CDC: Put down the douche

Let’s bring back lead! Then we can have another few generations of violent kids and adults damaged by decades of lead poisoning. Which, by the way, a lead damaged brain is about what you’d expect leading the Trump regime.

Where does he store them? Refrigerator or just a series of shallow graves?

I’m gonna buy one of these for each of my bosses. Then just sit back and wait...

Listen, the reality is that we live in an age where any NRA-enabled, racist, right-wing white supremacist nutjob can take their arsenal of guns and shoot up a school, a nightclub, an outdoor event, or Congress. We need to protect our children as well as ourselves from the inevitable mass murder we’ll be involved in at

I did it the right way: 4 bald tires in the wet speeding down a Turnpike off-ramp when I was 19 and couldn’t afford tires. Doing a 360 at about 20 MPH over signage on a curved off-ramp was VERY exciting. Staying (mostly) in lane through the curve and being able to just keep going? Priceless. Nevertheless, lesson

Coke before liquor, get smashed quicker.

Because Nissan corporate are utter morons. It’s like they want to be known for their bland, boring ass “mainstream” cars.

And yet, I’ll be damned if I can find anyone that wants to sell theirs.

That is slander against Neanderthals! He’s an Australopith or other hominin, at best.

Actually, everyone has them. It’s just that roughly 50% are functional, while the other 50% are merely decorative. Ironically, the functional ones are treated as though they are decorative, while most people ignore the purely decorative ones.

The wings ARE good! The secret ingredient is the tears of middle-aged men. And sadness. Lots and lots of sadness.

Gaemerz: Those feeeemales playing video games are filthy whore titty streamers!

Shouldn’t you be browsing Stormfront or watching FoxNews?

Sure, by now, we’d probably be part of Canada. So, superior in every way.

The legitimate government of the United States never should have accepted the surrender of the traitorous Cornfederates and should have banished them from the country.