


OMG Can we be best friends?

Haha! Hey now, I am a southerner!! I know I IMMEDIATELY want to be someone's friend when they imitate my accent... ;)

OMG Is that Henry Winkler jumping a shark???? I love that gif.

Exactly. (and she is)

White-dominated media tells me it's alcoholism and drugs. I want to change that by dressing up like a member of Kiss meets Navajo gift shop." And to top it all off, he wants to encourage those reservation kids to find their inner warriors, to hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon, to paint with all the colors of the

My father is an amazing dad. Example: The day I found out Santa Claus isn't real.


Haha! Of course not. That's part of what I love about their hypocritical, crazy ass. Part of their "charm" if you will.. ;)

EXACTLY! The farther down you follow that red arrow, the deeper you venture into Wonderland. The red arrows are the Mail's white rabbit.

You know what's even better than the stories on the Daily Mail (Mail Online)? The COMMENTS.

Absolutely amazing.

Absolutely. Have you read her posts on the crazy racist federal judge or the Cheerios ad yet? If not, you should check them out. They are both really good. I am officially a fan.

The pleasure is all mine.



Ah! Okay... Sorry.. Obviously my mind had taken a break on that one. Yeah. What I have been hearing is that if people post critical things within the few few minutes of a post, they are being deleted (it happened to me yesterday on an Amanba Bynes post that I called them out for) and then after that critical comments