I wasn't the one who made the hysterical leap about women not being able to exist in public.
Dear god, what is THAT
It's amazing how much Americans tend to scoff at misogyny in Muslim countries, then there solution to sexual assault is, "have a man accompany you any time you go out in public." The cognitive dissonance is astounding.
Seriously? "Don't walk alone at night."? "Don't make yourself a victim."?
Seems like "just don't be out in public and female" is the advice we're getting.
This is EXACTLY what I was going to say! People were skinnier then because all their food choices were nauseating. They didn't smoke because they wanted to, it was just the only way to not be hungry!
If that is filled with shrimp and smoked salmon and coated with cream cheese and dill, I'm sold. It looks delish!
If we were just talking about racism against Native Americans (or First Nations, as they call them in Canada,) our neighbor to the north would deserve a place. Canada likes to pretend it wasn't awful to Natives, but oh my, was it.
3 out of 6! What do I win? A comically oversize rent bill?
Twitter's one helluva drug.
Well said. Coming from a family that actually pitted the kids against one another , on a point system, for everything from grades to social skills, to appearance, this hits home. You choose to be jealous, when instead you could acknowledge your own strengths as well as others. Such a strange way to live. Drive is…
I was dating someone who was pressuring me into an open relationship and sought informal advice from a very seasoned psychiatrist I know who's treated a lot of couples.
What exactly do they mean by women who have "orgasm problems"? Do they define "orgasm problems" as not being able to come by penetrative sex alone? Because duh, if your clit is too far away from the vagina to get stimulated during penetrative sex then yeah, it would be hard to come from penetrative sex. For women…
I'm gonna go ahead and assume the OP is 15, max, and just discovered philosophy.
And you know what? Fuck anyone who tells you that you should feel differently.
I want to time travel and hug the children you were, and I want to regular travel and shake the hand of the adult you have become.
1. None of that was your fault. None of you.
People who have regular parents...even flawed but slightly normal parents just do not get it and they never will. God bless them. They cant fathom a world where the person who is supposed to be your safe place to fall...the person who is supposed to make everything better...is actually the person you have to protect…
My mother ruined my credit, stole my identity, purchased cars, lit a fire for insurance fraud and blamed it on me, abused me sexually, physically and incredibly emotionally, and killed two of my cats, one in front of me.