

Why doesn’t she just barge into the changing rooms of her father’s employees, like he does? There’s gotta be a rainbow of cocks on display.


Maybe he lied about having a ‘weapon of mass destruction’ to try to trick her into participating?

It would be great if this whole thing was just a long episode of Scooby Doo and at the end of tonight’s debate Hillary went Velma and yelled “jinkies!” while pulling Trump’s mask off.

If BBC America were to advertise they were showing “Darmok” and “The Inner Light” during those two hours, I’d be thrilled.

“We’re going to have a marvelous proposal to get rid of the debt. It’s going to be beautiful. It’s terrific.”

Which episodes?

The debt is a really hard issue to debate as it is a pretty complex topic and the majority of the viewers aren’t clear between the debt and the deficit. Considering Trump never offers policy proposals, I’m not sure what he would say about it other than he is the only person who could fix our debt problem overnight.

“Undecided voters” is a polite way of saying “uninformed morons” and most of them are so disengaged from politics that they probably don’t even know that the debate is on tonight.

So Condeleeza is a bitch, but he admits he moved on a woman like a bitch... so, he’s actually a black woman?

Just cut the things I don’t use. Duh.

My boyfriend’s stepfather grabbed my ass bold as anything, as the whole family was leaving the dining room after a meal. He didn’t look at me, just grabbed my ass, squeezed it, and kept walking. I was so shocked, I didn’t know what to say. I said nothing, because I knew he would pretend he’s just accidentally brushed

And thank you for the support.

I mean, he already got us all to cheer for Hillary Clinton. By comparison: her mafia-fabulous, Goldman Sachs loving, war-hawk arse looks like the love child of Mother Theresa and Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

Jet fuel can’t melt pussy!

It means she wasn’t showing enough leg.

He can’t even fake respect for Republican women.

Who goes 500mi? I think “most” people travel 50mi or less one-way. Shit, mine is 7mi one-way. I get the overall mileage but cmon, the time to charge X amount is 20mins. A family of 5 traveling 500mi takes at least 20mins to gas up, feed and use the restroom.... oh and it’s free to charge that electric car (Tesla).

And another big factor... Not take 8 hours for a charge. People want the freedom to road trip. Stopping for 10 minutes to top off your tank is still a big advantage of gas cars.