
What a self-righteous, moral preening load of horse shit. I’ve been to hundreds of games and have never heard anything of the sort. Go whine about the Oscars or something.

The Daily News has been largely unconcerned with the truth over the past year or so. It’s all about the agenda they’ve embraced, and this story fits it. It’s very sad, used to be a good paper.

Sometimes I could swear the checkout kid is messing with me. I lay out the stuff perfectly in sequence on the belt, with spaces to delineate different categories (and even bags), and yet they’ll still mix shit up, put like one thing in a bag so I have 400 bags, stuff boxes in the bag so it rips...

“Led Zeppelin just numbering their first four albums.”

New York has won like 23 championships in my lifetime and I don’t recall seeing any of this. I get that Philly teams rarely win anything so the locals get excited, and it’s not like there’s much besides shitty sandwiches, a cracked bell, and scrapple to occupy residents otherwise, but try and emulate your betters up

I worked with a germaphobe who wiped down her entire workspace with rubbing alcohol 2-3 times a day, finishing off by giving her hands a good scrub. They were so red and raw it was painful to look at. She rarely got sick, though.

My mother-in-law is starting the same trip down this rabbit hole that her mother did 25 years earlier, around the same age. Knowing full well what the old lady went through (as did her caregivers), she is fully aware of what is coming. It’s fucking horrifying.

I’m going to say this, and it’s going to piss off a lot of people, and I just don’t care. We spend FAR too much money on certain diseases that are 100 percent, easily avoidable just because they have a powerful lobby. Meanwhile something like this that just creeps up on anyone indiscriminately struggles for research

Make that two.

I work with a guy who does this. I thought he was just an asshole, but he’s otherwise an OK fellow so maybe it’s cultural.

My wife is primarily of Sicilian extraction and she does this everywhere, to everyone, and is largely oblivious that most of us find it rude and annoying. It’s bad enough in social settings, but she does it with the doctor, lawyers, and other people saying important things. We fight about it every time we leave

No, “polite” is.

I am old because I have not heard of any of these buzz bands.

Indeed. If that’s not already in common usage, it needs to be.

We need to apply the wisdom of Charles Napier in India to that appalling situation in Afghanistan:

Seriously... is there a sports/pop-culture site with a robust commentariat that isn’t completely overwhelmed with white guilt, liberal/progressive, republicans-are-all-idiots sentiment? I’m not looking for the opposite, like some Dennis Miller/Ann Coulter-infused sports-and-dick-jokes entertainment. Just neutral,

I do almost daily.

Hmm. It is very possible my wife lied about this to get out of doing our taxes herself.

I live in New York City, and the last time we looked into this they didn’t have an e-file for city taxes. It’s worth the couple hundred bucks we pay our local preparer so we don’t have to deal with this it.

My wife is an accountant, and we still pay a preparer. And we have a pretty basic return - no rental income, no home office, no free-lance income, no wacky deductions. The rules are too complex, they change every year.