I have only heard of 6 of those bands. And only recall hearing songs by two (Panic... because my daughter, and Wolfmother because a friend said I as a Zeppelin fan would like them).
I have only heard of 6 of those bands. And only recall hearing songs by two (Panic... because my daughter, and Wolfmother because a friend said I as a Zeppelin fan would like them).
Or get a louder radio. Top down / windows up is the sign of a monstrous toolbag. I’ve had convertibles for almost 30 years and I have literally never, not once, driven that way.
A fun way to liven up the occasion is to write a really goofy (hyper-religious, weird, angry, non-sequitur) message and sign it with a name of someone who doesn’t work there. I did it at one job for 18 months. Every now and then someone would be like “Who the fuck is Wayne?”.
“I got a REAL problem with hotel-room sheets. They’re beyond worthless.”
Bud is bland macro-brew suitable only for volume consumption, but that part in the commercial where the guy flicked the lemon off his beer was pretty great.
Jay-Z is a drug dealer who became a famous rapper thanks to a novelty song that sampled Little Orphan Annie. His wife is an overhyped marginal talent whose main claim to fame is clomping around on stage like a 4-year-old trying on mom’s high heels. Not much to see here.
“Republicanism has become an industry of outrage”
The “reporters” ask the most insipid questions, I’m surprised more athletes don’t go off. Like the dingbat interviewing Manning right after the game. “What does this mean to you?”
I was on a flight from LA to NY once, seated next to an older Indian gentleman. I only mention his ethnicity to stress how yogi-like he was: bone-thin and despite wearing a suit, he sat curled up with his feet on his seat the entire flight. He was a fascinating man - we had a great, hours-long chat about everything -…
I had a 6 AM or so flight one time, which meant I had a 3 AM wakeup call that day. I board the plane, and three old ladies sit in the row ahead of me. Look, I get you are excited to see each other, and that you are on an aeroplane, but it’s 5:40 AM. Shut the Fuck UP. They hooted and hollered and cackled and laughed…
You have to rush to get on and get some overhead space before the jagoffs with rolling suitcases and enormous backpacks take it all.
Great googly moogly, why don’t airlines enforce the carry-on limitations? Those massive wheely-bags that only fit sideways in the overhead, taking up the whole compartment, NEED TO BE CHECKED. And you’re allowed a carry-on and a personal item. The personal item is a small purse. Maybe a laptop carrier. It is decidedly…
I have no problem with a slight recliner in front of me. But if you lay down like it’s your damn Barcalounger in your living room and you refuse my polite request to move up a little bit, you’ll enjoy my periodic renditions of Moby Dick, Toad, and the Hot For Teacher intro on the back of your chair for the next 4…
Nobody cares if you are “closer to our seat than we want”. It’s wrong when you’re IN our seat. If you don’t fit in a Coach seat, don’t be a cheap clod: buy a First-Class seat. Or rent a flatbed if it’s domestic travel.
I loved the sentiment in the article: “If it’s really that bothersome to you, I suggest coughing up the money for a first class seat.”
All the Madoff investors were greedy schmucks who got rooked. Who signs over their life savings to some random guy who promises insane earnings and won’t tell you how he makes them? It’s more amazing that supposedly sophisticated businessmen like the Wilpons fell for this, but whether you’re a little old lady OR a…
I quadrupled my salary from age 27 when I got married to about age 42. Yet I didn’t change my lifestyle. Stayed in the crappy, ordinary house I found tough to afford payments on when I was making $30K. Bought two new cars in my life - one for $18K and one for $12, and paid cash for both. Still buy all my clothes off…
Everything pales to being debt-free. I’m old so no student loans. Paid off my mortgage years ago (yay for pre-paying). Bought cars with cash. Kid goes to CUNY which is practically free.
Why all the manufactured outrage? We had the SB in New York. No one gave a shit because the Giants weren’t in it. They closed off a couple of blocks near Times Square for a big outdoor exhibition that was no more disruptive than any of the other temporary displays or bunch of protester assholes endemic to midtown. The…