
Another newsflash: ALL jewelry is shit. It’s a total waste of money, and women have been brainwashed by marketers. You’re paying thousands of dollars for a shiny pebble that has zero intrinsic value. It’s not an “investment”; no one is going to pay you more for your used ring that you paid for it new. At best, after

I haven’t seen a more ridiculous and unwarranted outpouring of showy public grief since Lady Di when the F&F guy died. By all accounts he was a nice man, but c’mon - the guy was second-banana on garden-variety action flick series!

Wrong. She specifically advocated for shutting down mosques headed by radical imams fomenting violence. Which absolutely SHOULD be done. Nowhere in this video does it say anything about shutting down “all places of worship for them”. You’re either dense, or intentionally misrepresenting what was said.

Pretty sure the CSI franchise had a three-way crossover too.

Give me a time machine to see the Sunday Boston Tea Party concert by Led Zeppelin in 1969. Young and relatively substance-free, at the height of their pre-excess nascent power and glory, legend has it the crowd was so berzerk the band kept coming on and playing encores to result in a 4-hour-plus show. As they only had

Elvis Christmas songs are superb. I play that, A Christmas Gift for You from Phil Spector, and a Frank/Dean/Bing 3-CD collection while decorating every year. Then I put them away until the following year and don’t listen to any more Christmas music because the rest of it IS terrible.

I was drinking $11.50 25-oz Buds in Citifield this October. That’s cheaper than bar prices in NYC, and you don’t have to tip!

Ha, you’re not alone. I have what I guess you’d consider a niche job - I work in a part of my (ad) business that is essentially considered dying (anything “offline”) so nobody new gets into it, yet it’s not going away anytime soon, so I can’t really be replaced. I have decades of experience and arcane knowledge in

Coworkers used to fight to get to take time off at the end of the year. I always ceded the vacation time to them gladly, especially once I became the boss. They saw me as the benevolent supervisor; I saw it as 2 weeks with nothing to do because all the clients are on vacation or otherwise shut down. Long lunches,

Family and friends I actually hang out with, I don’t need to deal with on Facebook. It’s the perfect amount of contact with people you don’t care enough about to have an actual conversation with, or (shudder) meet in person. You wish them a happy birthday, you like a picture once in a while.

This seems harsh. So you could have a legendary warrior like, say, Hogun the Grim who survives countless heroic battles. If on the way home from a fight Volstagg accidentally runs him over with a chariot and kills him, no Valhalla? Conversely, the most cowardly elf (or whatever) could get attacked by a bad guy for his

Just go for it. Despite being a good-looking guy when I was young, plus smart, funny and interesting, I never had the confidence to pursue the really great-looking girls. Almost inevitably I’d find out after-the-fact that I should have.

I called it Aquadump but yes, they exist, and are great fun.

I had one of those in a sports bar in Atlanta a couple of years ago... maybe DanTanna’s. Was called the Heart Attack Burger or somesuch, and it was delicious. Pretty sure it had bacon and possibly an egg on it. My fantasy-league co-owners were impressed. It also led to a discussion on how we would replace an owner who

This isn’t even a contest. Douche-o-rama!

Alright, at least three people have posted this picture. I’ll bite: are we supposed to know who this is?

It was poor bun management. I’m like the Andy Reid of grilling.

They are SO expensive, though. And for no good reason I can fathom. I need to figure out ho to make my own.

You mean like for sandwiches? That’s actually an excellent alternative. I did that with Martin’s potato rolls for a couple of years. Also fun for hot dogs because you cut them in half, put two (four halves) on a bun, and layer on the toppings. The only problem is you then are without fixins for french toast and

Last night I made myself two bacon cheeseburgers for dinner, and was disappointed to learn that my wife and daughter had already eaten the two buns I was counting on. When I was done beating them and throwing them on my gun pile, I assessed the situation. I could get dressed, get in the car and drive somewhere, or I