That Zenyatta drag racing comment is on the nose, I had a good 5 minute laugh.
That Zenyatta drag racing comment is on the nose, I had a good 5 minute laugh.
I just love anytime Tracer mocks Reaper. There’s just something about Reaper that makes me love playing as him and hate about anyone else playing him. (Not my video, and apparently there’s a line where she mocks his “Die Die Die!” That I’ve been trying find so I could hear it)
Man, I love me some TF2. At one point I’d have loved competitive tracking. But seriously this was too late. I’m not gonna say it’s too late because of Overwatch either. This is something that should have been in-game before items were a thing and that happened years ago. (I’m not anti items and hats, it felt like the…
All I can think of.
The console port has an fov slider in it too. Motion blur and chromatic is adjustable as well.
I think I read in a wiki somewhere that she was one of the scientists who worked on the locust and they saw her as some kind of god, and she saw them as the next line of humanity.
I was just having a bad morning so I kinda had to get a shit thought out.
Haters gonna hate. I think people expect FAR too much in some of the old IPs coming back. Yeah, I wish movement speed was quicker( coming from someone who played the beta on console) but would you *really* want to go to more of a quake style where weapons were found on a map that only people who memorized said…
“Well he’s obviously Vegita, don’t you know anything?” That line was cracking me up.
While it’s still the same grind they have added in more map types and ways levels are set up so it’s a nice change of scenery from what the game used to be. Definitely a *step away for a while and come back later when there’s new stuff type game*
As cheesy as it all is, I love that kind of stuff. Really reminds me of this in a way.
CryEngine or not this is inevitable anyway. VR has a lot to prove IMO.
I’d almost argue that ironsights and weapon/gear modding but if I’m not mistaken both were taken from mods. Personally I liked the Capital Wasteland setting more because more of it felt based on the real thing. If New Vegas had “real” casinos I think I might have liked the setting more as well.
This is NCsoft though, not Trion. NC has a bit of a history of shutting down mmos. Keep in mind this is likely me being incredibly salty over the City of Heroes, Auto Assault, Tabula Rasa, and Exsteel shutdowns. I can’t believe I kept playing NCsoft MMOs despite these shutdowns.
Crossing my fingers for crosssave with a vita version!
The laser gif makes me miss Command and Conquer 3's Millitants with lasers spam. I still remember building so many that it brought everyone’s pc in the lan game to a slideshow from the light show.
After Tales from the Borderlands I think I’d rather a Telltale Halflife be based on a new cast of characters. They still could bring in the originals, and I think it would help with the story of Gordon being kinda “mythical?” with the way he pops in and out of the world essentially causing chaos.