
I’d almost argue that ironsights and weapon/gear modding but if I’m not mistaken both were taken from mods. Personally I liked the Capital Wasteland setting more because more of it felt based on the real thing. If New Vegas had “real” casinos I think I might have liked the setting more as well.

This is NCsoft though, not Trion. NC has a bit of a history of shutting down mmos. Keep in mind this is likely me being incredibly salty over the City of Heroes, Auto Assault, Tabula Rasa, and Exsteel shutdowns. I can’t believe I kept playing NCsoft MMOs despite these shutdowns.

Crossing my fingers for crosssave with a vita version!

The laser gif makes me miss Command and Conquer 3's Millitants with lasers spam. I still remember building so many that it brought everyone’s pc in the lan game to a slideshow from the light show.

After Tales from the Borderlands I think I’d rather a Telltale Halflife be based on a new cast of characters. They still could bring in the originals, and I think it would help with the story of Gordon being kinda “mythical?” with the way he pops in and out of the world essentially causing chaos.

Having been playing Bombshell lately, it really made me question how much of DNF was 3D Realms vs Gearbox. Then again Colonial Marines. Those are two companies I’d love to have their histories and anything at any stage of development in the past laid out.

Was that........An epic Flail?

I’m not happy until the T-Rex gets a machine gun too.

I’m not saying everything is in the clear and there’s no hacked “stuffs”(paragon level and items) but Blizz did add in a screener to check if items stats were somewhat in line and added a level limit to the XP Gem in the most recent patch for consoles. I honestly never play online with randoms on console so I really

Some sad, sad part of my brain told myself Paragon was a City of Heroes revival. I knew it wasn’t. The dream lives on.

That’s actually just another one of my backups. I managed to find a combat shotgun with a 2 shots for one perk on it. Pretty much my anti Deathclaw weapon. If the accuracy wasn’t so terrible on it, it would likely be my end all be all. It is what replaced my infinite pipe pistol. I really like the new loot system for

I managed to find a pipe pistol with an infinite clip (holds all of your current ammo, you still can run out of ammo) so I turned it into a submachine gun as soon as I was able. Yeah it’s certainly weaker than the rest of my guns, but I haven’t found better when it comes to fighting Ghouls.

Always makes me laugh when I enter a Super Mutant camp and see a couple cat pictures on the wall.

I might have read that in Christopher Lee voice.

Some games have popped up in *some* people’s BC lists that aren’t on the current list such as Doom but I really haven’t heard of too many other non list games appearing either. I’m with ya though, the current list is a bit lacking.

And she’ll never do chores without extreme sass.

So that’s how pillows are made......

Is that a Peep brand weapon? Part of me hopes so. Peeps>Mountain Dew Game Fuel and Destiny Redbull and etc.

As someone who is coming into the series now by playing V on pc I really don’t think it looks that bad. And by that I mean not at all. The sprites not looking like the portraits is offputting however.

SHovel Knight. But then again they’re still working on the dlc they promised, but seeing as the Plague Knight (free) dlc came out I’m not worried.