
Every time I run into a Pokemon I haven't seen before I typically rush to the nearest internet source (usually my 3DS itself) and look up what it's later evolution stages end up looking like before I decided upon capturing it. That and I swear I can't tell what some of the types some of the new Pokemon actually are,

Now playing

I sadly thought they were adding Lo Wang as a Vault Hunter according to the title.

Normally I wouldn't because I feel like once you typically do hit the best of the best, they game usually becomes much less interesting. Which is what happened with Diablo 2. I'm still going to go back and play it again some day but I certainly won't be playing that character.

No kidding. I remember the first week of auction house thinking I would be able to pop down $10-20 bucks and pretty much re-gear my Barbarian. Nope. $200+ per piece. ( I didn't do it I'm just saying) Funny since I was able to do that in Diablo 2 and I'll admit to supporting that crap, although it isn't something I

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"Won't somebody please think of the children!"

I think it used to be funny, but then it took an arrow to the knee.

Dafishles isn't wrong either. And calling this a Disaster is an over statement. It isn't like Diablo 3 or Sim City where no one could play at all. People are getting in. Just have patience. I imagine should anything go wrong with this coming week they'll just keep doling out free time until things are fixed. Which is

People like to say that the WoW release didn't have many problems but my feeling on that is gaming is much larger now than back then. Trying to launch an mmo in this day and age is a different monster to keep in it's cage. It isn't as easy as just throwing money at a server and saying *work damnit!* Lets keep the

I've held on to my Xbox for Phantasy Star Online. Sure there's a PC version, and two is out in Japan, but 4 player splitscreen? Oh yes. Only problem is if you didn't link the game with an xbox live account you couldn't even play the game in offline like the gamecube version.

I know that they didn't want to call Saints Row 4, Saints Row 3.5, but it certainly seems like it. I wouldn't call it a $60 DLC though. It's more like a expansion pack(like in the old PC days) that adds just enough to make it fun again and to change up the formula somewhat. Which is enough for me, but IF the modding

The trailer makes me want to see this. It's like the Mario and Luigi Movie. It's like a trainwreck where you want to be horribly disgusted by the guy who somehow got his head stuck in a toilet as the wreck happened and died, but at the same time you want to laugh because his head is stuck in a toilet. Safe to say,

3 pieces? Half-Life 3 confirmed!

Just wait. Brutal Hexen is supposedly in the works....

I love Spawn so much. But I must also say the Punisher is pretty badass as well.

I think this year's GoG summer sale hurt me much more than Steams upcoming sale will.

Funny you said that about MGS3. I remember being angry about it not being released on the xbox since MGS2 was. I remember trying to play it on my brother's ps2 but I hated the controls as well. It wasn't until the HD collection that I really liked 3's controls. ( I still like 2 the best, but 3 is certainly up there).

It could have been a review for it's bizzaro twin that came out around the same time, War of the Roses. Though that game isn't bad, I personally like Chiv better.

I'm going back through the City of Heroes withdrawals I had 2 months ago. I miss that game so much. While I mention Heroes, I moreso played Villains. There really isn't too many games out there where you could play as a super villain, let alone allow you to fully customize your character so much. It's just a werid

Yeah, I'm a bit disappointed at the rate they're releasing VC games. I'll buy Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, for the nth time if they would just release those already. Though I must say I'm happy they're doing the 30 cent sales and I hope they keep up. Just less Yoshi more Super Metroid.