While I agree, it does make me wonder how many sales these games might miss out on, since this series and a lot of Bethesda stuff usually release a GOTY edition somewhere down the line.
While I agree, it does make me wonder how many sales these games might miss out on, since this series and a lot of Bethesda stuff usually release a GOTY edition somewhere down the line.
It's nice but I think I'd rather they just knocked $20 off the price of the game. But Free is free.
Yikes. I remember when Doom was sort of pulled from XBLA but I was able to re-download it before they put it back up no problem.With people giving me answers saying both yes and no, I'm going to play it safe and just keep on my hard drive. Just hope my 360's hard drive doesn't go bad anytime soon.
Um. I still have it downloaded to my xbox's hard drive but if I were to delete it, would I be able to get it back now that it has been "wiped out"? I'm talking about the digitally distributed version not an installed copy.
Pretty good side writing as well. That's not me by the way, just a streamer I watch.
First of all, congratulations on your money you raised for your comic. I hope everything following that turns out well for you.
Funny how it happens to be a WiiU title as well.
This. I've said it before but that game was awesome. I wrote about it in one of the TAYs but everyone just screamed it was too repetitive.Which it kind of is, but I feel like the environments really made that game something else. I'd love a console version. Or a sequel.
What you don't see is the Squirtle surfing in for the real rescue. The Bulbasaur is just throwing the kid in.
I know someone is going to come along and call you a troll, but I completely agree. Kinda like how I don't like Arrested Development, I don't get why those shows are "funny".
I agree. I think it's just a headline(s) to stir things up. Kinda like when razor had shown off those laptops which I have heard absolutely nothing about since.
This whole tech demo makes me think of the SCP foundation with the way everything is kept behind closed doors to show off the special effects or creatures each room has.
It's even worse on phones now, since the screens are smaller you have to scroll even further to find an upload, which you may just accidentally scroll right over anyways.
SO much this.
Funny thing? This seems like something that TNG would do. But at least they would revert it before the end of the episode.
Yeah. When I first saw the article on the side I thought "Oooo new desktop backround" Then I saw all the little details.
For me,my disappointment of the year came from Diablo 3. Funny thing is I played the demo and eventually bought the game. Started playing it and had an absolute blast playing through normal difficulty.Nightmare came along and the problems began to appear. Some skills turned out to be utterly useless. But I still got…
You need to calm down. You've replied to others in this hostile fashion, and in the end are only going to turn off people from the overall cause of supporting the group's fight against HIV/AIDS.
Well there's always the chance that they could end up donating more using this app rather than doing a straight up donation.
On a side note, I did buy the map pass back when Halo 4 came out.