
how would zombie dinosaurs be any different than normal dinosaurs? this is the same reason I said it would be better to have normal predatory wildlife in survival games like DayZ instead of zombies.

As an American Indian (hell I just consider myself an American), I don’t worry about the past I look to the future. Is there racisim in America ? Of course there will always be and truth is it’s not only whites it’s pretty equal across the playing field. You only here about white hate because that makes better news.

I just love that white people insist racism is a dissolving thing and black people need to “get over it because it was so long ago” yet insist on honoring a flag from 150 years ago.

hahahaha wow. freudian slip I guess?

How ‘bout some more gameplay features via trailers that isn’t focused on love/life simulator stuff? Ah, what am I doing...I don’t think they will improve the maps or gameplay when they can prioritize whatever sells the most, since they want the series to survive.

Now playing

Nothing can be worse than this abomination:

I honestly kinda like it when a demo messes up because I know for sure that it’s real and in-game!

Playstation All Stars was also a terrible game.

I’m not at all familiar with it (the first I’ve heard of the property) and the new one... Woof.

You might be on to something

...There. That’s better. :3

I didn’t think anyone forgot the Rape of Nanjiang or the endless atrocities inflicted on civilian populations. Maybe the impact is not as culturally resonant in the United States, but Southeast Asia? They all remember. I had a Korean buddy whose grandma was horrified his parents owned a Sony television and bought him

People need to become more aware of the horrors Japan inflicted and stop being so selective about what t happened in the War. At the same time,they also need to remember the heroes public opinion has chosen to ignore,such as 442nd Regiment of Japanese American soldiers or the heroes of the French Foreign Legion whom

The feet are all his... :) (Not that he’s the fist guy with that fetish... :) )

I went with a different Nicktoon.

Owner of vid here. This was my first time trying out 200cc where I miraculously turned my lousy 6th place end-game to 1st place in the final curve. I don’t think 200cc deserves the flak it gets!