
It’s definitely, definitely spelled “psych.” See also “psych out.” I mean, it’s the whole point of the pun in the title of the TV show Psych.

Same here. As in “psyched out”, psychologically played out.

Unless different in Germany... I always spelled (or thought it spelled as I said it, in 1989-90), “PSYCH!”

Hmm, I thought the name (at least in the US) was called Mario’s Fundamentals. Fun fact: this was Charles Martinet’s first time doing the voice of Mario.

Oh man, do you think this will come to the Wii U version of Zen Pinball 2? I would definitely love to own this table!! I’m just skeptical that when they say “every Zen Pinball 2,” that they’re neglecting the Wii U.

This is one of those few times where the glitch should stay because it is hilarious.

I think you mean :

and they’re barefoot, which is a bonus for me~

I’m an animator in Canada. To be fair, most of what goes on in a studio is never really openly discussed outside of animation circles. When you go to school to be an animator, you’re expecting that it’s going to make alot of money and that it’ll be all fun.

Oh sure, just install a mod to get to those interiors for free. Gamers today are so entitled, what happened to the good old days of spawning a jetpack in a gym and using it to fly through the ceiling, then blindly navigating a black void to try to find those interiors?


Now the real question becomes, which way is his spinning?

Something majestic about 7 opponents getting hit and dying at the exact same time.

Welp, you just sold me on Westerado. THANKS

Keep in mind that only some MLP fans are into that kind of thing. It’s a lot like the anime lifestyle, lots of people like anime, but only a certain percentage of those fans are into stuff like hentai.

I’ve been waiting for the nostalgic return of PS one and N64 style graphics. I feel like there’s genuinely something neat that can by done in these styles.

Hate the style, but anything FFVIII is fine by me - you know, because it’s the best Final Fantasy game.


I’m kind of over the term “blackface” when there isn’t malicious intent. Darkening your skin (or hair, or eyes) to impersonate a celebrity really isn’t the same as this, which is making a disrespectful caricature of an entire race:

Because I'm bored, this was a great post, and I had to see it.