
the main dude missing from Megaman's Final Smash

creative/artistic liberties adding in extra yellow on the suit's arms?

and actually have your unlockable snow jackets actually make sense to wear.

not to mention those UMDs were FRAGILE AS HELL.

Cromartie High School

I would say "it has now come full-circle", but then I remember it's usually China and Japan that commonly (and often hilariously) butchers the English language

so... pretty much Thundercats, only without the dumb love triangle bullshit dragging the story down

we found our origin story; Megaman lost a match against Mr. Game & Watch, he changed his name into the weapon that destroyed his old body and is fighting for the right for a rematch


as well as the then-topical discussion about torture methods like waterboarding which was fresh back when the game was in development

they used to be that way in the GTA3 universe, they chased you with their nightsticks in VC and SA. In the case of SA, only shoot you in one star if you're running around with a gun in hand, but back to melee if you unequipped your gun... and as you mentioned in IV, they forced you to submit to their arrest but had

sort of, you at least started with the morph ball and had the ability to shoot missiles since the very start of the game, everything else you had to re-acquire.

I'll admit, he does look kinda hot.

I would buy that considering Tatanga had a chance to appear in the Mario Galaxy games along with all the unique bad guys introduced in the first two games... but Daisy's considered canon constantly showing up in the side games such as Golf, Party, Kart, etc.

I mean, think about it. The premise of that 1992 Game Boy game is that Wario has taken over Mario Land and moved into Mario's castle. He brainwashes the other citizens while Mario is away, which helps with the invasion. But still: how did he get into the castle? He had to get the key from somewhere. My bet is that he

more accurately a Falcon Knee compilation as opposed to a typical Falcon Punch compilation

...*cough* >_>;

The guy's voice is soothing and combined with the choice of music makes it feel like a zen video about Smash...

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it was Killer Instinct for me along with several Nintendo Power magazines