
I'll be damned if it's not called the WiiNES

*cough* don't forget Beast's Fury which I'm a part of we're working on having a demo done by the end of this month >_>;

Ryu's a wolf... and not a dragon? Despite the obvious name meaning dragon?

I've honestly done this since the Melee days, I mainly do so in case I'm doing TOO well and I find myself at a low % and two lives as opposed to a struggling opponent with one life needing to beat me twice to ensure victory.


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"surely we are in for some *cloudy* days ahead filled with *strife*, now here's something to *tide us* over to the weather..."

yeah, and with a recent thing I read saying people in their 20's like Pokemon more than kids today as the new trend with kids in Japan is Yokai Watch... it seems the Pokemon fad is finally dying down... I only "caught them all" in Red/Yellow and Gold/Crystal, back when it was feasible and not ludicrous with the nearly

yeah, the slower gameplay and tripping "feature" was just uncalled for... and the online function could've been much better. Smash 4 is basically a better franchise finale for Sakurai, just somewhat wish we had Adventure mode back from Melee, not necessarily anything complex like Subspace Emissary.

in some ways, Mega Rayquaza almost seems like a Pokemon that can remotely have a fighting chance against people who EV and IV train obsessively to the point of ridiculousness by a casual who trains their Pokemon via normal means... like me.

The guy HAS been complaining about the stress involved with making the games lately... on top of his wrist issues he was having (or still currently has?), it also doesn't help he's a stickler for detail that most players would never really notice during gameplay like certain foods heal more or less than others

implying the term "mon amie" is limited to one game and isn't an actual term used by the French that literally means "my friend" that even Pokemon used as a play on words as "Pokemon Amie"

I can relate with him being unable to remember the designs of all the characters he's created, but you'd kinda think he'd go out of his way to sketch out reference sheets for his personal use both physically and digitally... though checking online I guess is the next best thing.

The manga actually ended a few weeks ago. 700 chapters.

Disappearing islands, eh?

What can I say? I'm a sucker for miniatures throughout my childhood during the 90's~

That's precisely why I got my Fox Amiibo, not only do I main him in Smash, but there's a soul-crushingly scant amount of merch of him...