
At this rate, I'd be TOTALLY fine having a Figma of Fox McCloud... Just saying.

found Wa—- oh wait, that's not who we're looking for

fun fact; in the ReBoot art book, it was revealed Dot was loosely based on Lucille Ball from her I Love Lucy days... hence the vintage-styled diner she worked at.

prior to ReBoot, the only "dot matrix" I knew as a kid was the sentence on top of the original Game Boy "dot matrix with stereo sound"

Now playing

I mostly played TMNT2: Back from the Sewers... can't go wrong with the music and the fun gameplay... even if the game is like roughly 30 minutes long.

honestly, this is no different nor at all surprising considering the photoshopping of celebrities to make them all perfect Adonises

An egg?

not really the most flattering example, but arguably a hilarious one.

It feels halved, but I don't play as Little Mac that much, so maybe I overestimated.

only one I really noticed was Little Mac's midair side special's range has been at least halved, so now they REALLY emphasize how much he sucks in the air.

easy solution to those "spot the differences" puzzles; just cross your eyes and automatically the differences should pop out once you fuse both images together

huh, Link had a voice actress even as an adult...

they Keys can't POSSIBLY emit this much light

I know the feeling entirely, there's a lot of influential artists I grew up admiring around the internet, but there's a few who I kinda wish I never really got to see what kind of people they are outside of their art.

Unfortunately, it's probably best to try to segregate the guy's creativity from his real life opinions and personality :/

There's WAY too many Links...

and yet ignoring the biggest, most glaring flaw of the magic system and Drawing it constantly and practically being discouraged from using it or else you risk lowering your stats you equip them to?

I can practically imagine the camera dynamically shifting positions in place of what used to be a brief loading time between scenes... almost like from a perspective of a bird, swooping around and perching on something closeby to keep an eye on the protagonists...

The patch notes also that those who download Ver. 1.0.4 will not be able to play local play with those running Ver. 1.0.3 and lower. What's more, those that download the patch won't be able to playback previously saved replays.