
Defeating his best friend who turned into his rival, then defeating his mentor, then spending the next few years power-levelling, never seeing his own mother, never finding his father in his journey (if he's alive), never contacting his best friend/rival or even finding a date...
...and then promptly being dethroned

it looks constantly concerned, as if it's going "oh God, am I doing this right...?"

To be fair, being a naive kid in the 90's, the only word I wouldn't have understood here was "ghetto". I would've assumed this song was about some pussycat in Japan.

I think Capcom was trying to pass the torch to a new generation of characters after the conclusion of that story arc, but I guess people really wanted Phoenix back since Apollo didn't really stand out on his own.

considering the overall story involving the Fey family in all three games, it stands to reason to call it a trilogy that concludes rather nicely on its own if they didn't make further sequels

fingers crossed it gets officially released digitally, albeit late... maybe bundled with the first AAI and Apollo Justice

unfortunately as "completely customizable" the button layouts are, the d-pad is only used for taunts and cannot be changed

No future? Is he implying we'll see a revival/sequel of Duck Hunt, ROB and the Game & Watch series?

I've mained Fox since the very beginning, but... I'm REALLY liking how they tweaked Zero Suit Samus...

I miss SatAM's intrigue with the dark atmosphere and the whole "the bad guy already won at the start", but when Sega tried to do that, they didn't strike gold after Sonic Adventure 2 with Shadow's spinoff game.

The highly-demanded franchise that was begging for a theatrical release.

I can see it now; a love story of numerous shapes as they make their arrival to a strange new land they find themselves trapped in, things seem dire until their savior, the line piece makes an appearance from the heavens to save them all.

"attacking a person excessively" ...I presume he means in group matches and not one-on-one.

Pluto, also known as Hades in Greek/Roman mythology :P

my personal theory is that dinosaurs are the common ancestor to both birds and reptiles having quite a number of shared traits like egg-laying, aversion to the cold and such.

>kills the tarantula
>lays an egg in its corpse
>once hatched the hatchling helps itself to the dead tarantula

define "does well"

it was originally Frisby in the novel, but had to be changed in the movie to Brisby so they wouldn't have to face copyright issues with the Frisbee flying disc trademark.

It's an interesting theory, but future Bulma meeting Bulma from the very start of Dragonball? That past Bulma was obsessed with her personal looks, her quest to wish for a boyfriend and her overall arrogance that she's a know-it-all while putting the power of science practically second. She's more of a daddy's girl

or even using her staff from Adventures, would be a nice break from all the sword-wielders in the roster... yes, I know Palutena has a staff too.