
I guess given people on their WiiU/3DS risk having their account banned from Miiverse if they posted anything inappropriate and the only way to circumvent it is to buy an entirely new system and make a completely new account, makes it not worth the risk to be an absolute dick.

you mean Banjo hasn't already started to look like a Minecraft character since Nuts & Bolts?

or at least "Groot Desu" if they were crammed for syllables

Reminder; The Game Gear needed two more batteries than the Game Boy and had a much shittier battery life

somewhat surprised/disappointed the Attack on Titan theme didn't start playing once those giant lawn gnomes started showing up

I guess I can buy that, since new year's is technically at the very end of the holiday season and it's better to have a date that gets the release come earlier than expected, rather than disappoint people saying it's delayed.

release date on New Year's Eve?

I'm sorta curious if they settled with a finalized name or if this is what we're getting; Smash Bros "for WiiU/3DS"... still feels like they're continuing to use that placeholder name until they can think of something before it gets packaged and shipped.

ah man, I can imagine she would've had herself a blast :3

there is a surprising lack of foot fetish searches on that list... I'm somewhat disappointed

Phantom Hourglass (2007)

Now playing

alternatively, this tune came to mind for me

I grew up loving the game and its characters and music... the story admittedly sorta went in an odd direction once you started disc two.


Ganondorf was at least mentioned by that tree person in Link to the Past giving Ganon's first backstory that he was once a man before being turned into a demon pig, he's still sorta the same since he eventually gives up his human form permanently in favor of being the iconic blue pig old-school fans remember him as.

cartridge-tilting is one thing I'll always miss of old games

seconded, I was hoping for more the high-octane action of the arcs that were animated out... now it's government conspiracies and a potential civil war about to break out... Where's the Titan-fighting we were promised? What's in Eren's basement? What was that injection Eren got?
It's kinda falling into the same trap

Only limited to Saiyan/Earthling, Namekian and Majin races I presume...

definitely, I know it was ported from the MSX to the Sega CD (only US version in existence) and later the Sega Saturn... it's a real shame it was never officially rereleased in any way, shape or form, nor have a sequel. Though it did have a prequel as a Japanese radio drama.

real actors as in actual flesh and blood actors being filmed, not sprites or 3D models.