
fair enough, I only had a Genesis as a kid and curiously looked through my old Sega Visions magazines seeing the games I was missing out on with the Sega CD and sorta wishing I had it.

watching how utterly unplayable that game was via Game Grumps, especially once it starts getting extremely hectic around the midway point with little warning where to go next... not to mention one of Dana Plato's last roles before her death in a less than stellar game... I'd respectfully not want this, despite the

let's not neglect Snatcher, which was basically an interactive novel like Phoenix Wright and old Sierra adventure games.

...the hilarious thing is part of the reason why the disks were so tiny was to prevent piracy and presumably modifications.

So... a Micronation can be "all of outer space"?

the old Mortal Kombat games, I wasn't used to seeing gory deaths accompanied with blood-curdling screams in games during the 16-bit era when I was a kid.

this is a TERRIBLE vacation...!

Feudal Japan? An alien menace? 8-bit graphics?

that's kind of amazing, I obsessively played SM64 when I was a kid when it was new and learned a bunch of tricks and secrets on my own (like getting to the very top of Peach's castle, higher than where Yoshi is)... but this is the first I heard of this impossible coin only seen when you make the camera go through the

They followed the same story bible writers in the west came up with when they saw footage of gameplay of the first two Sonic games. They came up with the idea of "animals being freed from robots? Robotnik (Eggman) turned them into robotic slaves" and "that final level of Sonic 1? Robotnik's empire of Robotropolis" and

alternatively, there was a step by step process on making them on Photoshop via 1up, but this link has a faster way of doing it is the next best thing I did with my own icon... considering 1up's article is seemingly gone;…

oh wow, I remember ACTUALLY using that software in my middle school video editing classes during the late 90's... so cheesy but at the same time nostalgic

practically died laughing learning about the Chu Chus... I figured it was sped-up dialog not unlike the stock audio used in cartoons whenever someone's talking on the phone, but it actually being two Japanese men arguing and insulting one another is just hilarious.

ahh, unfortunately FF5 was the only classic FF game I didn't get a chance to play through... I'll have to rectify that soon.

true, but I guess I mean "succeeds at leaving a long-lasting, world-changing impact"... Sephiroth's Meteor was thwarted, Ultimecia's time-compression was negated/reversed and Kuja barely did much to affect the world.

After playing the PS1 FF games and then the first one for the NES, I played through FF6 and quite enjoyed myself. The largest cast of characters you can recruit and switch between with a large variety of abilities... a villain who actually SUCCEEDS with his plan...

so we had a FamiConvoy, a MegatronDrive...

I don't think you can copyright a word that basically means the explosion made when something goes so fast, they break the sound barrier.

man, it'd be nice if we had a sequel to Jump Ultimate Stars for the 3DS or something... but then I remember the 3DS isn't region-free like the DS was :/

I'm really thrilled there's more female fighters in this Smash game than ever before, though it seems a little unlikely Krystal from Starfox will join the roster at this point, I'm not complaining.