
A retro Game Center our Retro Game Master Arino, the Kacho, has not visited yet?

ditto here, all I remember were the toys being released that hyped up the release of the game which ended up getting cancelled... maybe for the best, the main appeal of the first game were dinosaurs fighting each other, which the sequel did something different entirely.

...I was lead to believe this was never released, the only hint of it existing were the toys and some assorted screenshots of the game in progress before being cancelled...

that doesn't sound very fun nor rewarding... but I guess it alleviates a few complaints some players had with the game and good for players who just want to breeze through the game without stressing over their stats and learned abilities.

apparently the official story is since Gunpei Yokoi handled that game, he didn't know the programming to make the turtle shells kickable, so he settled with something a little more... unique.

closest thing I've seen was possibly Weebly... surprisingly Angelfire is STILL around and my old website still exists from my high school days.

Ditto here, I kinda miss personal websites kinda showing off different unique pages depending on the content offered and how knowledgeable they were to build a site (or had someone help them do that).

A part of me misses how simple things were on the internet back then... but in no way do I miss dialup and the slow speeds we had to sit through, or having random people calling you and knocking you offline. So much rage then.

Jumping, swinging, not throwing a gun in your face and forcing you to murder aliens. In the video above, I give my impressions of the game, of a game that's lineage is squarely in the vein of games like Portal and Jumping Flash.

yeah, back then Contra was rebranded as Probotector from what I'm aware of, replacing the Rambo-inspired characters and human enemies into futuristic robots... it's not as extreme as back then, but still amusing to see what is and isn't acceptable as the years pass.

Now playing

I remember Germany had to censor games like Team Fortress 2, making everyone bleed oil and have gibs be cartoonish nuts and bolts to heavily imply everyone's a robot.

Maybe Miyazaki adopted what Ozamu Tezuka does with his characters... treat them more like actors playing different roles in other stories to sorta justify drawing the same characters in his stories.


I always liked the old GBC look, as primitive as it looks... alternatively, if you don't have a Game Boy Camera, the next best thing is this photoshop tutorial…

a hell of a remake if it'll be anything like X & Y... makes me wonder if Red & Blue/Green will get a similar treatment considering both the original and the remake aren't playable on the 3DS

there was also Fisheye as another confusing character, he actively wore lipstick and makeup while hiding his physique in a... bizarre bubblewrap outfit of sorts that made it impossible to know if there were any breasts to confirm the gender at the time, but once again, the voice chosen and the makeup convinced me he

The same reason why people like me, enjoy old-school shooters (shmups) or bullet hell shooters, the overwhelming challenge pushes you to try to succeed and optionally dominate the game once you memorize any patterns and honed in your reflexes and skills after enough plays.

yeah, I know, it likely went over the heads of kids who were naive of the original characterizations much like how it went over my head some SUPPOSEDLY female villains were really supposed to be effeminate men.