
as awesome as it'd be, I can understand why they stopped doing so, we already have Virtual Console as it is

you used to be able to, at least in the Gamecube version. There was a nice collection of NES games you could collect and actually play in your house.

I took it as a bit of irony considering her personality, plus as a possible intentional mistranslation (Japan switching Ls and Rs) of the greek moon goddess Selene.

sadly the whole rabbit of the moon thing was unfamiliar to the west as it's more Japan's thing while the west sees the dark patches of the moon as more of a face... the Man in the Moon... It wouldn't have translated well regardless, especially with her hairstyle resembling rabbit ears.

the "Bunny" name I only saw in the old translated comics over a decade ago before the rereleases, but yeah, the DiC translation made some of us more used to Serena as it sounds more like an actual name

oh wow, this is a superb job. I'll definitely be watching this if they managed to dub it all the way to the finale.

Mew's Pokedex entry says it may be the ancestor to all Pokemon, so... technically a "first"

are all those... bodies...?

either way, the show has long run its course and I guess a bit late to dub the lost season with the original actresses, especially now with this reboot coming soon. It'd still be interesting to imagine how it would've been handled had they even tried.

"oh man, he looks like my old boyfriend!"

It was a guilty pleasure at the time, I was a kid and was unfamiliar with the series so I was naive over the changes of names, dialog and such... So I was never a purist in any sense.

wow, all these comments and nobody's complaining about the names? I'm impressed, I was half-convinced I'd see people say "It's Usagi/Bunny, not Serena!"

and then suddenly I imagined a Smash Bros match on top of a sinking Titanic hearing these guys play.

that helmet looks kinda cool at least, everything else looks uncomfortable and laughably impractical

there were some reblogs with Apollo trying to argue the validity of it... but I think ending it with Gumshoe with the decisive, irrefutable evidence is a good spot to end the debate.

well, we couldn't find aliens in Roswell, New Mexico... guess we found their burial ground 2 hours away instead.

Dot Matrix with Stereo Sound~

I got mine on my second birthday on Christmas, I had fun with some of the release games like Tetris and Super Mario Land, also being scared away from Castlevania for a long while due to Castlevania Adventure being brutally difficult... also playing my first Metroid game, Metroid 2 and being hopelessly lost for

I may've been born late in the 80's, but I have vague memories platformers mainly were the dominated market between the 8 and 16 bit eras... that said, I really felt like people started paying attention to JRPGs between the 16 to the polygon era when it was a nice and slow break from all the Mario and Sonic copycats

nearly all of these I pretty much knew, but the cancelled game involving Sonic finding his long-lost sister is COMPLETELY news to me...