
I'm perplexed GBA games STILL continue to be Ambassador-exclusive for the 3DS... you'd think by now they'd start releasing them on the 3DS as well as the WiiU

at least he's more honest than Akira Toriyama when asked about the then-upcoming live action Dragonball movie, saying little else but along the lines of "this is interesting, like some cool alternate universe", possibly being paid to endorse it... at least with Laird no longer tied to the TMNT after selling it to

hngh... so many childhood memories of Final Bout back when it was rare and a friend of mine let me play her copy during the late 90's when we were waiting for the new episodes to be dubbed... the music was all superb too. Still, the same composer was responsible for those tunes as well, some were recycled like

agreed, they're more like bonus additions. Patching sounds kinda literal where you're patching up a torn piece of clothing, only it's a game and someone found a way to break it beyond what was intended by the dev team.

seriously reminds me of that popular city map on Gmod, complete with the (mostly) open area in the center and the twin towers being a short walk away

repeat ad-infinitum

I'm utterly curious how actual animals react to these robots modeled after them... maybe similarly to how we react with our own robots that look human within the uncanny valley, or maybe they won't care after realizing they're harmless.

I guess I'm too late to submit my own

it's also a shame it's a lot of guesswork going through the menus, it somewhat helps knowing a bit of katakana, but often not enough. At least it's playable on the 3DS as well.

It was also shot in that recent-ish James Bond movie Skyfall as the villain's hideout I believe.

He should realize since the ghosts were also poison-types, Mewtwo could've just blinked at them and they'd faint.

or letting the King run around in an open world being a total doofus and blowing up his competitors while attacking random citizens with his burgers, that would've been a better experience

the quality may not be much different from those old Burger King games like Sneak King, but it seems like the absurd humor and content more than makes up for it.

good lord, now I definitely see the inspiration for the Punchout games encouraging you to quickly finish the match in a single round

there is that as well, allegations like that can destroy anyone's reputation, no matter how beloved they were for whatever it was they did that made them a household name.

I was expecting Tyson finally playing Street Fighter as himself (Balrog/M Bison in Japan), but this was just as, if not more satisfying.

It's kinda sad most people remember him more these days with the Holyfield incident and his cartoonish lispy voice.


well now, seems like it's a mega-corporation field day with these string of news lately