
took me a while to realize the PS3 is region-free for the most part, so I guess congrats to PS3 owners for possibly being able to enjoy this game. The closest thing I got to play was Jump Ultimate Stars for the DS, which is still fun, just a shame a lot of it is guesswork unless you look up translated guides on

I thought they did play to the end, the narrator AND the characters reacted in aghast that the episode they just did was the final one, as it was abrupt and was in the middle of a story arc.

Cosmos: A Minecraft Odyssey

I'm sure these are fairly known to SM64 players, though I guess a lot of people wouldn't notice the last little easter egg unless they were bored enough.

you can cheat too, there are two shortcuts you can use, but using one will disqualify you from winning the star from him.

Digit... he looks familiar... It's like after he got kicked off the Muppets cast, he bitterly went back to school and became a bully

well, 7 is a lucky number...

I'm still on the fence about 10... I played it back when it was new on the PS2 but it didn't hook me as much as the previous games did. The music is superb, I won't complain about that, but I wasn't a fan of a lot of things like the sphere grid level up system you have to manually do EVERY time you level up, the

I was waiting for that game in the hopes one would be made after the alternate universe/reboot Lords of Shadow, but it seems like we're going with this new storyline and discarding the old one :/

would be nice if we could finally have that fated Castlevania adventure that took place in 1999 that ended up sealing the castle in the moon as mentioned in Aria and Dawn of Sorrow starring a young Julius Belmont...

yep, roughly like saying "The Clinton Era" which was essentially the 90's decade for the US

nice to see Jumping Flash wasn't forgotten

the horrifying part?

I REALLY wanted to like this series... mostly following Anakin and Obi-Wan but we KNOW what becomes of them in Revenge of the Sith. Very little new information is revealed during this war as they just introduce a student for Anakin to train we also know either disappears or dies by the end of the show due to her

Mewtwo's cry being part of getting Mew from under that blasted truck is new to me

I could've sworn most of those glitches were patched by Yellow... I remember surfing along the coast of Cinnabar no longer had Safari Zone pokemon showing up like Red/Blue used to

Now playing

considering Japan's frivolous usage of the term "god" (as they have a god for almost everything and anything at this point) and Malaysian translations are... iffy at best:

I was expecting the guy in the glasses to be thrown out the window by the end of the skit... or at least after the credits

Female characters being barely nothing more than a love interest/damsel in distress... I mean, it's fine having a love interest and the whole "rescue the girl" idea has been around since antiquity... Just give me more girls who can kick ass and hold their own like any male protagonist, bonus points if she's not