
somewhat fitting the groom is wearing a SeeD uniform from 8, as there was nearly a divorce going on being sent out to assassinate Cid's wife in that game

I've got a 16GB card in mind... so far more than enough with the games I've got on it. being mostly virtual console games, the occasional indie games that catch my eye and gradually retail games I could've bought the cartridges for.

sort of wish I could take the cartridges of games I do own and have them as data

that's fine and dandy about the mosaic in film, but it does nothing regarding the teensy black bars that cover the absolute bare minimum in books.

a new Snatcher/Policenauts or something similar would be awfully nice, maybe Zone of the Enders

amusingly, one of the developers of that game admitted (I think on here in the Kotaku comments on an article somewhere) that level was horrendously flawed and insanely difficult, even outright apologizing for not ironing it out with more testing.

'ey, dey look alike!

the unfitting music plus the cheap/worthless stuff being tallied makes this hilarious

it seems we're going deeper inside this rabbit hole...

I love it, I'm at least happy 13 exists so people can pretty much lay off the hate on 8

What pretty much made GTA being the juggernaut that it is, was that it thrived on its own controversial content.


a guy named Ransom going against a company named King... who in turn is attempting to hold common words for ransom.

those were good times, I remember that day fondly... granted, I was in middle school and shouldn't have been watching, but what kid ever listened to the TV ratings?

Taking it off the market won't stop the people who already downloaded it on their devices to keep playing obsessively if they want to. Not to mention his public announcement he's removing the game the next day likely gave even more people incentive to download it before it's too late.

with an even smaller palette of colors to choose from than the NES, it's pretty amazing how much mileage colorists make with just four colors by choosing the right shades, leaving the rest to the imagination of the player and in turn, eventually gaining the illusion there's more than four colors being used at any

I've really got a soft spot for the classic monochrome look of the old Game Boy games... it might be bias because I played my Game Boy extensively throughout my childhood, but the whole limited colors thing kind of makes me think of how fondly some movie fans feel about classic black and white films.

while we're at it, why not have a Shockwave that turns into the NES Zapper?

goddamnit, I was JUST about to say that but you beat me to it :P