
same thing with a lot of games pre-PS1 era, people these days just expect more bang for their buck...

Aren't there parental controls for the Xbox limiting what users can and can't do?

Now playing

kinda reminds me of when Kenji Yamamoto who composed music for the DBZ games was found out (rather late, as fans already knew early on) that he was plagiarizing music for years...

only downsides I can see is having to stop and remove everything for a bathroom break... and it doesn't seem like it lets you sit down or lay back at any point

chicken nuggets are made of chicken

unfortunately, the real life version of Pokemon battles are real and they're usually frowned upon in society unless it's a third world country.

Or not even saying anything works too, if people like the videos you're uploading, let them decide if you're someone they want to follow.
Just asking people to like/subscribe is as awkward as a stranger randomly asking if you want to be their friend when you know next to nothing about them.


anything that involves or forces you to use motion controls... like Warioware Twisted or the more recent Sonic Lost World for the 3DS

...are we going to ignore that guy has a swarm of FACES all over his hair near the end?

I was gonna bring that up as well... Enc Half/None were nice rewards you can get off him if you got enough AP. Though with most of those abilities, you needed to EARN them by fighting monsters... and the best place to rack up AP was going to Cactuar Island which you could only get to once you get the airship in disk 3

you NEEDED the invincibility cheat in order to kill that damned robot... for a final boss, he was just completely unfair.

I've mixed feelings on this... I do like the idea so you can make a safe escape from a bunch of high-leveled monsters or want to re-explore an old dungeon without having to come across weaklings that just waste your time...

...left the blood out of Mortal Kombat... ...seemed to actively avoid getting a Grand Theft Auto... ...expressed little more than vague interest in online gaming... ...gave Zelda cartoon graphics... ...stopped working with the blockbuster-making Rare... ...required Friend Codes... ...released handheld after handheld

I would've said "Star Ocean", but then I realized I only liked The Second Story on the PS1 as the others were pretty much a waste of time story-wise.

not exactly a new thing... whatever's massively popular at the time will be sure to bring about copycats;

In all honesty, I've been nicknaming the DS and 3DS as a Game Boy DS/3DS for years... there was little reason for Nintendo to take out that iconic name, but that's just me.