
yep, After Effects is a very powerful program :P

saving in real life is practically remembering where you were at that point in time... reloading a save would pretty much require some sort of time travel just so you could undo a mistake you did on your previous attempt at a life-changing decision.

wow, that brings up memories of middle school back when the show was on the air and hearing about the ridiculous reaction and serious dip in ratings just because of her haircut...

Unfortunately, they do... you'd think after Chinatown Wars having a feature having the lines ON the road to show you where you need to go would've been something they'd implement in GTAV... even as an optional thing.

On the contrary, I was SORELY disappointed to see they were removed and replaced by freaking "Voltorb Flip" in Heart Gold... it would've been a perfect remake had they not done that, which I know started with Europe's complaints about it which had it removed in their version of Platinum.

GTA Chinatown Wars also had that as an optional feature on the DS... I was somewhat disappointed it wasn't implemented in V in some way.

like what, having a line on the actual roads of where you're supposed to go?

the only videogame mom ever got into (besides the annoying Facebook games) was Pacman due to one of her late sons always playing it as a kid... She also likes slot machine games.

it's already impressive he reached Mike Tyson (regardless he lost to him), but watching the Super Punchout COMPLETION while blindfold was nothing short of spectacular, especially with that lucky counter-punch on Nick Bruiser.

a shame the 3DS and the WiiU's touch screen lacks pressure sensitivity if at least to get varying line width... but this is still a cool idea

Now playing

that optimism continued on with the announcement/release of the PS2 with this commercial predicting how a PS9 would be like

by "bringing balance to the force", I guess there was a disproportionate amount of Jedi over the Sith, which got taken care of.

I've seen quite a number of your posts around here as well :3

I'm no game developer, but I am an artist who specializes in anthro art. I wouldn't mind contributing to the art for the game maybe.

he was called in to Americanize the designs a bit... which wasn't an awful much with Sonic and Tails...

...I just noticed something for the first time after seeing this same image as a collectible card numerous times as a kid...

it's a remix of the first level: Area A. It's usually named Green Grass Gradation.

I wouldn't mind a ZX3 either considering the extra ending when you beat it in hard mode... but I guess ignoring that extra ending, Advent was a fairly good conclusion.

I hope you can toggle between technicolor and classic black & white/sepia... this game would feel more right if I can immediately switch it to the latter